Blue Grama
Scientific Name: Bouteloua gracilis (Willd. ex Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths
General Information | |
Usda Symbol | BOGR2 |
Group | Monocot |
Life Cycle | Perennial |
Growth Habits | Graminoid |
Native Locations | BOGR2 |
Plant Guide
Forage: A highly palatable grass for livestock on a year long basis. It is used sparingly by antelope and other wildlife species. Blue grama rates with buffalograss as one of the most important forage plants of the short-grass prairie (Weaver, 1926) Erosion control: Blue grama can be used in mixtures with other grasses for use in erosion control situations. It is commonly used as a low maintenance turf planting, such as rough areas of a golf course or between rows in multiple row wind break plantings and in locations prone to drought. It is also used in surface mine re-vegetation plantings.
Please consult the PLANTS Web site and your State Department of Natural Resources for this plant’s current status (e.g. threatened or endangered species, state noxious status, and wetland indicator values).
General: Blue grama is a major warm season grass found throughout the Great Plains, It is found on the plains, prairies, and foothills of most western states, It is short (6 to 24 inches) stature and perennial with a prolific root system, This species has some phenotypic plasticity since in the southern states it grows normally as a bunch grass, but in the northern states and in the mountains, or in areas under heavy grazing pressure it is a sod former, Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of an organism to alter its physiology or morphology in response to changes in environmental conditions (Schlichting, 1986), Blue grama possesses the C-4 photosynthetic pathway for carbon fixation (Waller and Lewis, 1979), Distribution: For current distribution, please consult the Plant Profile page for this species on the PLANTS Web site, Blue grama is a major species of the western Great Plains and southwestern United States, Use soil moisture sensors to measure the soil moisture of Blue Grama., It is also found growing in Mexico and the Canadian Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Habitat: Blue grama is most effective when grown in the dryer parts of the northern and southern Great Plains and southwestern region of the U,S, It naturally grows in mixed stands, primarily with buffalograss (Bouteloua dactyloides), needle-and-thread ( Hesperostipa comata), western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii), and green needlegrass (Nassella viridula)in a short grass prairie setting, It will be associated with other species such as prairie sandreed and sand sagebrush in a sandier habitat,
Blue grama demonstrates good drought, fair salinity and moderate alkalinity tolerance. It grows well on soil types as varied as sandy to clayey in texture; however its growth is not as vigorous on true sands or clays. Blue grama is not tolerant of frequent flooding or submergence. It is also intolerant of shade and acidic soils. It is variably tolerant of fire and can be damaged if burned during active growth, especially under drought conditions. Blue grama grows at elevations of 3,500 feet up to 7,000 feet in New Mexico and has been reported growing at 10,000 feet. Forage production is best where annual precipitation is 12 to 14 inches and occurs during the warmest part of summer.
Proper seedbed preparation is always necessary when trying to establish any native grass or wildflower species. For the best results seed of blue grama should be drilled on a firm and weed free seed bed with a depth band and packer wheel equipped native grass drill. Depth of seeding should be ¼ to ½ inch. Broadcasting the seed is an alternative planting option. However, the seed should then be incorporated to provide seed to soil contact or at least pressed into the soil with a cultipacker. Seeding rate varies depending on the planting site and method. Drill planted seeding rates are 25 to 40 pure live seeds (PLS) per square foot or 1 to 3 pounds PLS per acre. The seeding rate should be increased by 50 to 100 percent for broadcasting, harsh sites, south and west exposures, and where early or dense cover is required. Blue grama cultivars have a large number of seeds per pound somewhere between 700,000 and 800,000 seeds/pound. Suitable planting dates are April to mid-May in the central Great Plains, slightly earlier in the southern Great Plains and June 15 to July 15 in the southwestern U.S. Wilson et al. (1976) found that blue grama seedlings avoid drought in three ways: 1) by increasing water uptake, 2) by adjusting leaf area, and 3) by reducing transpiration. The relative importance of each depends on the morphological stages of the seedling development and severity of drought conditions. Briske and Wilson (1980) studied the extent and timing of adventitious (permanent) root development in blue grama seedlings. They discovered that if blue grama seedlings did not initiate and develop adventitious roots within 6 to 10 weeks after emergence they often died. Seedling death was caused by the expansion of leaf area beyond the ability of the seedlings seminal roots to provide adequate moisture. Without adventitious root development an increased transpiration stress was causing seedling and stand mortality. To develop adventitious roots the seedlings require a period during which the soil surface will continuously remain moist for 2 to 4 days. This moisture requirement is caused by the growth form of blue grama seedlings (Hyder, 1971) that elevates the point of adventitious root growth to a point very near the soil surface. Weaver and Zink (1945) reported that blue grama seedlings grown without adventitious roots died after 8 weeks. Weaver (1926) explained that the root structure of established blue grama plants are exceedingly fine and spread widely in the surface soil, often to distances of 12 to 18 inches.
Once established this grass is palatable to livestock year around. Growing points of this grass are low and near the grounds surface, thus close grazing by livestock can be allowed. To obtain the best forage yields, grazing should be deferred once every two to three years. Blue grama cures well on the stem making it a good grass for deferred grazing during its dormant period. Weed control can be accomplished by mowing, controlled grazing or herbicide applications.
Pests and Potential Problems
Grasshoppers damage blue grama stands and consume forage. The white grub larvae of the common green June beetle (Cotia nitida) feed on roots and can cause stand loss. Mankin (1969) detailed several leaf and tar spot and rust diseases common on blue grama found in South Dakota. Harlan et al. (1956) warned of thrip and gall midge infestations occurring in blue grama seed production fields.
Seeds and Plant Production
Plant Production
Plant Production
To consistently produce grass seed of any species the most important first step is to obtain a uniform, clean stand of grass. Skips and thin spots in the row invite weeds and other competing species which will cause trouble later. Weeds must be controlled the year of seeding and in subsequent years. However, careful weed control the initial year of seeding will provide a more uniform stand in the seed field and less work in subsequent years. Cultivation and herbicide applications along with hand weeding in the row will provide an even stand of grass that after the first year will provide reduced labor when harvesting, cleaning and processing the seed crop. The most important factor in producing blue grama seed is time of bloom. In Oklahoma, blue grama should bloom in September to fill completely (Harlan et al. 1956). If growth is promoted by early rain then seed field should be mowed several times or grazed heavily. The first inflorescences should be removed and the stand should be encouraged to remain vegetative until fall. The first irrigation should be applied in mid-August along with the first nitrogen fertilization. Cultivars, Improved, and Selected Materials (and area of origin) Contact your local Natural Resources
Service (NRCS:formerly Soil Conservation Service) office for more information. Look in the phone book under ”United States Government”. The Natural Resources Conservation Service will be listed under the subheading “Department of Agriculture.” ‘Lovington’ was released as a cultivar in 1963 by New Mexico AES and the Los Lunas Plant Materials Center. The original source of the material was a field harvest in 1944 near Lovington, New Mexico. It was bulk increased and tested as A-12424. It has uniform size, leafiness, excellent seedling vigor and fast establishment characteristics. ‘Hachita’ was a cooperative release between the Los Lunas PMC and Colorado and New Mexico AES’s in 1980. Source material was originally collected in 1957 south of Hachita, New Mexico in a 250mm precipitation zone at an altitude of 1220 meters. It is the most drought tolerant of blue grama materials tested in New Mexico. ‘Alma’ was a cooperative cultivar release with USDA Agriculture Research Service, Los Lunas New Mexico PMC, and the Colorado and New Mexico AES’s in 1992. The cultivar was a composite of 270 plants from Hachita, Lovington and PMK-1483. The material was screened initially for heavier caryopsis weights, increased seedling vigor and greater emergence from deeper soil depths. Its intended use was for rangeland improvement and go back cropland seeding in southern and central Great Plains. Bad River Ecotype blue grama was a selected release from the North Dakota PMC, North Dakota Association of Conservation Districts and the North and South Dakota AES in 1996. Its origin is Haakon County in central South Dakota on the floodplain of the Bad River. The intended use is the Northern Great Plains, USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 3. Bad River establishes readily and has consistent plant performance compared to native harvest materials.
Briske,D.D. and A.M. Wilson. 1980. Drought effects on adventitious root development in blue grama seedlings. Journal of Range Management. 33(5): 323-327. Harlan, J., R.M. Ahring and W.R. Kneebone. 1956. Grass Seed Production Under Irrigation in Oklahoma. Oklahoma A&M College. Bulletin No. B-481. Hyder, D.N., A.C. Everson, and R.E. Bement. 1971. Seedling morphology and seeding failures with blue grama. Journal of Range Management. 24:287-292. Mankin, C.J. 1969. Diseases of Grasses and Cereals in South Dakota. South Dakota State University Agricultural Experiment Station. Technical Bulletin 35. Schlichting, C.D. 1986. The Evolution of Phenotypic Plasticity. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 17:667-693. Waller, S.S. and J.K. Lewis. 1979. Occurrence of C3 and C4 photosynthetic pathways in North American Grasses. Journal of Range Management. 32:12-82. Weaver, J.E. 1926. Root development of field crops. McGraw Hill Book Company Inc. New York, New York. Weaver, J.E. and E. Zink. 1945. Extent and longevity of seminal roots of certain grasses. Plant Physiol. 20:359-379. Wilson, A.M., D.N. Hyder, and D.D. Briske. 1976. Drought Resistance Characteristics of Blue Grama Seedlings. Agronomy Journal. 68:479-484.
Fact Sheet
Livestock: In southern states, blue grama grows as a bunchgrass; in northern states or areas of heavy grazing pressure, it is a sod former. Erosion control: Blue grama is suitable for mixtures of grasses used in erosion control, low maintenance turf plantings, and surface mine revegetation.
Please consult the PLANTS Web site and your State Department of Natural Resources for this plant’s current status (e.g. threatened or endangered species, state noxious status, and wetland indicator values).
Bouteloua gracilis, blue grama, is a major warm season grass found throughout the Great Plains. The plant is fairly short, reaching 10 to 20 inches with narrow basal leaves of 3 to 6 inches. Blue grama grows in definite bunches and reproduces by tillering and by seed. Mature seed heads are curved, resembling a human eyebrow. Blue grama can be found growing in association with buffalograss, western wheatgrass, needlegrasses and in some areas the bluegrasses.
Adaptation and Distribution
Blue grama demonstrates good drought, fair salinity, and moderate alkalinity tolerances, In its dormant state, it will also tolerate burning, Blue grama will not tolerate dense shade, flooding, a high water table, or acid soils, Blue grama is distributed throughout the western United States, For a current distribution map, please consult the Plant Profile page for this species on the PLANTS Website, © W, Use soil moisture sensors to measure the soil moisture of Blue Grama., L, Wagner Smithsonian Institution @USDA NRCS PLANTS
As with all native grasses, proper ground preparation is one of the most important considerations. The seedbed should be firm but not solid; cultivation to kill the roots of cool-season grasses is essential. Planting may be done by either drilling or broadcasting, with the seed being sown no more than 1/4 to 1/2 inches deep at a rate of 1 to 3 pounds PLS/acre. Seeding in late spring is recommended in the Great Plains; earlier seeding is recommended in areas further south. In the Southwest, seeding should be done during the period from June 15 to July 15. Mulching and irrigation is recommended on harsh sites. Soil tests should be made to test the soils for deficiencies. Blue grama will tolerate low-nutrient soils better than acidic conditions. Planting should be done by a native grass seed drill. In western areas plant blue grama in a sorghum cover crop, stubble, or in with the crop itself.
Once the grass is established, it is very palatable to livestock all year long. Since growing points are at or near the ground surface, the grass withstands fairly close grazing. For best yields, defer grazing during the growing season every 2 to 3 years. Blue grama cures well on stem, making it a good grass for grazing during the dormant season. Renovation of sodbound stands is also recommended. Weeds can be controlled by use of herbicides, mowing or controlled grazing.
Plant Traits
Growth Requirements
Fertility Requirement | Low |
Cold Stratification Required | No |
Cold Stratification Required | No |
Cold Stratification Required | No |
Cold Stratification Required | No |
Cold Stratification Required | No |
Cold Stratification Required | No |
Drought Tolerance | High |
Drought Tolerance | High |
Drought Tolerance | High |
Drought Tolerance | High |
Drought Tolerance | High |
Drought Tolerance | High |
Fertility Requirement | Low |
Fertility Requirement | Low |
Fertility Requirement | Low |
CaCO3 Tolerance | Medium |
Fertility Requirement | Low |
Fertility Requirement | Low |
Fire Tolerance | High |
Fire Tolerance | High |
Fire Tolerance | High |
Fire Tolerance | Medium |
Fire Tolerance | Medium |
Fire Tolerance | Medium |
Frost Free Days, Minimum | 130 |
Frost Free Days, Minimum | 142 |
Frost Free Days, Minimum | 142 |
Frost Free Days, Minimum | 142 |
Frost Free Days, Minimum | 145 |
Frost Free Days, Minimum | 165 |
Adapted to Medium Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Coarse Textured Soils | No |
Adapted to Coarse Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Coarse Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Coarse Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Coarse Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Coarse Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Fine Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Fine Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Fine Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Fine Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Fine Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Fine Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Medium Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Medium Textured Soils | Yes |
Temperature, Minimum (°F) | -43 |
Adapted to Medium Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Medium Textured Soils | Yes |
Adapted to Medium Textured Soils | Yes |
Anaerobic Tolerance | None |
Anaerobic Tolerance | None |
Anaerobic Tolerance | None |
Anaerobic Tolerance | None |
Anaerobic Tolerance | None |
Anaerobic Tolerance | None |
CaCO3 Tolerance | High |
CaCO3 Tolerance | High |
CaCO3 Tolerance | High |
CaCO3 Tolerance | Medium |
CaCO3 Tolerance | Medium |
Salinity Tolerance | Medium |
Precipitation, Minimum | 7 |
Precipitation, Minimum | 7 |
Precipitation, Minimum | 7 |
Precipitation, Minimum | 8 |
Precipitation, Minimum | 8 |
Precipitation, Minimum | 8 |
Root Depth, Minimum (inches) | 14 |
Root Depth, Minimum (inches) | 16 |
Root Depth, Minimum (inches) | 16 |
Root Depth, Minimum (inches) | 16 |
Root Depth, Minimum (inches) | 16 |
Root Depth, Minimum (inches) | 16 |
Salinity Tolerance | Medium |
Salinity Tolerance | Medium |
Hedge Tolerance | None |
Salinity Tolerance | Medium |
Salinity Tolerance | Medium |
Salinity Tolerance | Medium |
Shade Tolerance | Intolerant |
Shade Tolerance | Intolerant |
Shade Tolerance | Intolerant |
Shade Tolerance | Intolerant |
Shade Tolerance | Intolerant |
Shade Tolerance | Intolerant |
Temperature, Minimum (°F) | -13 |
Temperature, Minimum (°F) | -23 |
Temperature, Minimum (°F) | -23 |
Temperature, Minimum (°F) | -43 |
Temperature, Minimum (°F) | -43 |
Precipitation, Maximum | 22 |
Hedge Tolerance | None |
Hedge Tolerance | None |
Hedge Tolerance | None |
Hedge Tolerance | None |
Hedge Tolerance | None |
Moisture Use | Low |
Moisture Use | Low |
Moisture Use | Medium |
Moisture Use | Medium |
Moisture Use | Medium |
Moisture Use | Medium |
pH, Maximum | 7.2 |
pH, Maximum | 8.4 |
pH, Maximum | 8.4 |
pH, Maximum | 8.4 |
pH, Maximum | 8.4 |
Precipitation, Maximum | 40 |
Precipitation, Maximum | 22 |
Precipitation, Maximum | 22 |
Precipitation, Maximum | 22 |
Precipitation, Maximum | 22 |
pH, Minimum | 6.6 |
pH, Minimum | 6.6 |
pH, Minimum | 6.6 |
pH, Minimum | 6.6 |
pH, Minimum | 6.6 |
pH, Minimum | 6.0 |
pH, Maximum | 8.4 |
Resprout Ability | No |
Resprout Ability | No |
Resprout Ability | No |
Resprout Ability | No |
Resprout Ability | No |
Shape and Orientation | Decumbent |
Shape and Orientation | Erect |
Shape and Orientation | Erect |
Shape and Orientation | Erect |
Shape and Orientation | Erect |
Shape and Orientation | Erect |
Toxicity | None |
Toxicity | None |
Toxicity | None |
Toxicity | None |
Toxicity | None |
Toxicity | None |
Active Growth Period | Summer and Fall |
Flower Color | Yellow |
Flower Conspicuous | No |
Flower Conspicuous | No |
Flower Conspicuous | No |
Flower Conspicuous | No |
Flower Color | Yellow |
Flower Color | Yellow |
Flower Color | Yellow |
Flower Color | Yellow |
Flower Conspicuous | No |
Fire Resistant | Yes |
Fire Resistant | No |
Fire Resistant | No |
Fire Resistant | No |
Fire Resistant | No |
Fire Resistant | No |
Fall Conspicuous | No |
Fall Conspicuous | No |
Foliage Porosity Summer | Moderate |
Foliage Porosity Winter | Porous |
Foliage Porosity Winter | Porous |
Foliage Porosity Winter | Porous |
Foliage Porosity Summer | Porous |
Foliage Porosity Summer | Porous |
Foliage Porosity Summer | Porous |
Foliage Porosity Summer | Porous |
Foliage Porosity Summer | Moderate |
Fall Conspicuous | No |
Foliage Color | Green |
Foliage Color | Green |
Foliage Color | Green |
Foliage Color | Green |
Foliage Color | Gray-Green |
Foliage Color | Gray-Green |
Flower Conspicuous | No |
After Harvest Regrowth Rate | Moderate |
Bloat | None |
Bloat | None |
Bloat | None |
Bloat | None |
After Harvest Regrowth Rate | Rapid |
After Harvest Regrowth Rate | Rapid |
After Harvest Regrowth Rate | Moderate |
After Harvest Regrowth Rate | Moderate |
Bloat | None |
After Harvest Regrowth Rate | Moderate |
Active Growth Period | Summer and Fall |
Active Growth Period | Summer and Fall |
Active Growth Period | Summer and Fall |
Active Growth Period | Summer and Fall |
Active Growth Period | Summer |
Resprout Ability | No |
Coppice Potential | No |
Fall Conspicuous | No |
Fall Conspicuous | No |
Fall Conspicuous | No |
Coppice Potential | No |
Coppice Potential | No |
Coppice Potential | No |
Coppice Potential | No |
Coppice Potential | No |
Nitrogen Fixation | None |
C:N Ratio | Medium |
C:N Ratio | Medium |
C:N Ratio | Medium |
C:N Ratio | Medium |
C:N Ratio | Medium |
C:N Ratio | Medium |
Bloat | None |
Known Allelopath | No |
Leaf Retention | No |
Leaf Retention | No |
Leaf Retention | No |
Leaf Retention | No |
Leaf Retention | No |
Leaf Retention | No |
Known Allelopath | No |
Known Allelopath | No |
Lifespan | Moderate |
Known Allelopath | No |
Known Allelopath | No |
Known Allelopath | No |
Height, Mature (feet) | 1.0 |
Height, Mature (feet) | 1.0 |
Height, Mature (feet) | 1.0 |
Height, Mature (feet) | 1.0 |
Low Growing Grass | No |
Nitrogen Fixation | None |
Nitrogen Fixation | None |
Nitrogen Fixation | None |
Nitrogen Fixation | None |
Nitrogen Fixation | None |
Low Growing Grass | Yes |
Low Growing Grass | No |
Low Growing Grass | No |
Foliage Porosity Winter | Porous |
Low Growing Grass | No |
Low Growing Grass | No |
Lifespan | Moderate |
Lifespan | Moderate |
Lifespan | Moderate |
Lifespan | Moderate |
Lifespan | Moderate |
Foliage Texture | Medium |
Fruit/Seed Conspicuous | No |
Fruit/Seed Conspicuous | No |
Fruit/Seed Color | Brown |
Fruit/Seed Color | Brown |
Fruit/Seed Color | Brown |
Fruit/Seed Color | Brown |
Fruit/Seed Color | Brown |
Fruit/Seed Color | Brown |
Height, Mature (feet) | 0.5 |
Foliage Texture | Medium |
Foliage Texture | Medium |
Foliage Texture | Medium |
Foliage Texture | Medium |
Foliage Texture | Fine |
Foliage Porosity Winter | Porous |
Foliage Porosity Winter | Porous |
Height, Mature (feet) | 1.0 |
Fruit/Seed Conspicuous | No |
Fruit/Seed Conspicuous | No |
Growth Rate | Rapid |
Growth Rate | Rapid |
Growth Rate | Rapid |
Growth Rate | Moderate |
Growth Rate | Moderate |
Growth Rate | Moderate |
Growth Form | Colonizing |
Growth Form | Bunch |
Growth Form | Bunch |
Growth Form | Bunch |
Growth Form | Bunch |
Fruit/Seed Conspicuous | No |
Fruit/Seed Conspicuous | No |
Growth Form | Bunch |
Propagated by Sod | No |
Propagated by Sod | No |
Propagated by Sprigs | No |
Propagated by Sprigs | No |
Propagated by Sprigs | No |
Propagated by Sprigs | No |
Propagated by Sprigs | No |
Propagated by Sprigs | No |
Propagated by Tubers | No |
Propagated by Tubers | No |
Propagated by Tubers | No |
Propagated by Tubers | No |
Propagated by Tubers | No |
Propagated by Tubers | No |
Fruit/Seed Persistence | No |
Propagated by Sod | No |
Propagated by Sod | No |
Propagated by Sod | No |
Propagated by Sod | No |
Propagated by Seed | Yes |
Propagated by Seed | Yes |
Propagated by Seed | Yes |
Propagated by Seed | Yes |
Propagated by Seed | Yes |
Propagated by Seed | Yes |
Propagated by Cuttings | No |
Propagated by Cuttings | No |
Propagated by Cuttings | No |
Propagated by Cuttings | No |
Propagated by Cuttings | No |
Seedling Vigor | Low |
Vegetative Spread Rate | None |
Vegetative Spread Rate | None |
Vegetative Spread Rate | None |
Vegetative Spread Rate | None |
Vegetative Spread Rate | None |
Vegetative Spread Rate | Moderate |
Small Grain | No |
Small Grain | No |
Small Grain | No |
Small Grain | No |
Small Grain | No |
Small Grain | No |
Seedling Vigor | Low |
Seedling Vigor | Low |
Seed per Pound | 724400 |
Seedling Vigor | Low |
Seedling Vigor | Low |
Seedling Vigor | High |
Seed Spread Rate | Slow |
Seed Spread Rate | Slow |
Seed Spread Rate | Slow |
Seed Spread Rate | Slow |
Seed Spread Rate | Slow |
Seed Spread Rate | Slow |
Seed per Pound | 825000 |
Seed per Pound | 825000 |
Seed per Pound | 724400 |
Seed per Pound | 724400 |
Seed per Pound | 724400 |
Fruit/Seed Abundance | High |
Fruit/Seed Period End | Summer |
Fruit/Seed Period End | Fall |
Fruit/Seed Period End | Fall |
Fruit/Seed Period End | Fall |
Fruit/Seed Period End | Fall |
Fruit/Seed Period Begin | Summer |
Fruit/Seed Period Begin | Summer |
Fruit/Seed Period Begin | Summer |
Fruit/Seed Period Begin | Summer |
Fruit/Seed Period Begin | Summer |
Fruit/Seed Period Begin | Summer |
Fruit/Seed Abundance | Medium |
Fruit/Seed Abundance | High |
Fruit/Seed Abundance | High |
Fruit/Seed Abundance | High |
Propagated by Corm | No |
Fruit/Seed Abundance | High |
Commercial Availability | Routinely Available |
Commercial Availability | Routinely Available |
Commercial Availability | Routinely Available |
Commercial Availability | Routinely Available |
Commercial Availability | Routinely Available |
Commercial Availability | Routinely Available |
Bloom Period | Mid Summer |
Bloom Period | Early Summer |
Bloom Period | Early Summer |
Bloom Period | Early Summer |
Bloom Period | Early Summer |
Bloom Period | Early Spring |
Propagated by Cuttings | No |
Fruit/Seed Persistence | No |
Fruit/Seed Period End | Summer |
Propagated by Corm | No |
Propagated by Corm | No |
Propagated by Corm | No |
Propagated by Corm | No |
Propagated by Corm | No |
Propagated by Container | No |
Propagated by Container | No |
Propagated by Container | No |
Propagated by Container | No |
Propagated by Container | No |
Propagated by Container | No |
Propagated by Bulb | No |
Propagated by Bulb | No |
Propagated by Bulb | No |
Propagated by Bulb | No |
Fruit/Seed Persistence | No |
Fruit/Seed Persistence | No |
Fruit/Seed Persistence | No |
Fruit/Seed Persistence | No |
Propagated by Bare Root | No |
Propagated by Bare Root | No |
Propagated by Bare Root | No |
Propagated by Bare Root | No |
Propagated by Bare Root | No |
Propagated by Bare Root | No |
Propagated by Bulb | No |
Propagated by Bulb | No |
Post Product | No |
Post Product | No |
Post Product | No |
Post Product | No |
Palatable Human | No |
Palatable Human | No |
Palatable Human | No |
Palatable Human | No |
Palatable Human | No |
Palatable Human | No |
Palatable Graze Animal | High |
Palatable Graze Animal | High |
Palatable Graze Animal | High |
Palatable Graze Animal | High |
Palatable Graze Animal | High |
Palatable Graze Animal | High |
Palatable Browse Animal | Medium |
Palatable Browse Animal | High |
Palatable Browse Animal | High |
Pulpwood Product | No |
Veneer Product | No |
Veneer Product | No |
Veneer Product | No |
Veneer Product | No |
Veneer Product | No |
Veneer Product | No |
Pulpwood Product | No |
Pulpwood Product | No |
Pulpwood Product | No |
Post Product | No |
Pulpwood Product | No |
Pulpwood Product | No |
Protein Potential | Medium |
Protein Potential | Medium |
Protein Potential | Medium |
Protein Potential | Medium |
Protein Potential | Medium |
Protein Potential | Medium |
Post Product | No |
Christmas Tree Product | No |
Lumber Product | No |
Fodder Product | Yes |
Fodder Product | Yes |
Fodder Product | Yes |
Fodder Product | Yes |
Fodder Product | Yes |
Fodder Product | Yes |
Christmas Tree Product | No |
Christmas Tree Product | No |
Lumber Product | No |
Christmas Tree Product | No |
Christmas Tree Product | No |
Christmas Tree Product | No |
Berry/Nut/Seed Product | No |
Berry/Nut/Seed Product | No |
Berry/Nut/Seed Product | No |
Berry/Nut/Seed Product | No |
Berry/Nut/Seed Product | No |
Berry/Nut/Seed Product | No |
Naval Store Product | No |
Palatable Browse Animal | High |
Palatable Browse Animal | High |
Nursery Stock Product | No |
Nursery Stock Product | No |
Nursery Stock Product | No |
Nursery Stock Product | No |
Nursery Stock Product | No |
Nursery Stock Product | No |
Naval Store Product | No |
Palatable Browse Animal | High |
Naval Store Product | No |
Naval Store Product | No |
Naval Store Product | No |
Naval Store Product | No |
Lumber Product | No |
Lumber Product | No |
Lumber Product | No |
Lumber Product | No |