Atriplex nuttallii S. Watson ssp. buxifolia (Rydb.) H.M. Hall & Clem.

Scientific Name: Atriplex nuttallii S. Watson ssp. buxifolia (Rydb.) H.M. Hall & Clem.

Classification: Plantae/ Tracheobionta / Spermatophyta / Magnoliophyta / Magnoliopsida / Caryophyllidae / Caryophyllales / Chenopodiaceae / Atriplex L./ Atriplex nuttallii S. Watson ssp. buxifolia (Rydb.) H.M. Hall & Clem.

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General Information
Usda SymbolATNUB
Life CyclePerennial
Growth HabitsShrubSubshrub,
Native LocationsATNUB

Plant Guide

Alternate Names

Common Names: Gardner’s saltbush, Nuttall’s saltbush, Nelson’s saltbush Scientific Names: Atriplex buxifolia Rydb. Atriplex gordonii Hook. Atriplex nuttallii S. Watson ssp. buxifolia (Rydb.) H.M. Hall & Clem. Atriplex nuttallii S. Watson ssp. gardneri (Moq.) H.M. Hall & Clem. Hybridization is common among saltbush species, resulting in taxonomy changes that make plant identification complex (Stutz, 1978; Welsh & Crompton, 1995; Robson, 2008).


General: Gardner’s saltbush is a warm-season perennial subshrub or shrub-forb that can grow to 20 inches tall (Jacobs, 2001; McArthur & Monsen, 2004; Robson, 2008). Gardner’s saltbush has a woody base from a taproot with ascending to decumbent stems that can also develop adventitious roots (Nord et al., 1968). The lower one-third of the stem is less herbaceous than the upper two-thirds. Leaf arrangement, attachment and shape can vary. Leaves are alternate, opposite, or subopposite and petiolate or sessile. Leaf shape is linear, oblanceolate, obovate, spatulate or orbiculate. Leaves are simple with entire margins and a cuneate base (Robson, 2008; Fryer, 2020; USDA-NRCS, 2020; Welsh, 2020). Gardner’s saltbush is dioecious or monoecious. Inflorescence is a spike or panicle, 1 to 10 inches high with yellow or brown clustered flowers that are less than ¼ inch long, sessile or on a stalk (Robson, 2008). Flowers develop from mid-May to early July and outside this period following heavy rains (Blaisdell & Holmgren, 1984). Fruiting bracteoles may have tubercules or four short wings (Robson, 2008). Seeds develop July through August, are teardrop-shaped, tan or brown in color, short in length and less than 1/10 of an inch wide (Robson, 2008). Reproduction occurs vegetatively and by seed (Nord et al., 1968). Distribution: Gardner’s saltbush is native to central North America, including British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, Canada (USDA-NRCS, 2020). Noted in an early collection by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, an 1806 specimen was collected along the Marias River in Toole County, Montana (The Lewis and Clark Herbarium, 2021). For current distribution, please consult the Plant Profile page for this species on the PLANTS Web site. Habitat: Gardner’s saltbush grows in drylands, salt desert shrub ecosystems, in mixed grasslands among sagebrush, saltbush and greasewood species and in pure stands (Nord et al., 1968; Blaisdell & Holmgren, 1984). It is considered a principal component of salt-desert shrub ranges (Blaisdell &Holmgren, 1984; McArthur & Monsen, 2004; Smith et al., 2016; Jonas et al., 2018).


Gardner’s saltbush grows in semi-arid to temperate climates from 2,900 to 8,400 feet in elevation on ridgetops, slopes, uplands, canyon bottoms, rolling plains and in disturbed areas (McArthur & Monsen, 2004; Rocky Mountain Herbarium, 2008; Flora of North America, 2021). Well-adapted to saline fine-textured clay and sandy soils, Gardner’s saltbush also grows easily in marine shale-derived soil (McArthur & Monsen, 2004; Flora of North America, 2021). Natural Resources Conservation Service Plant Guide Figure 1. Gardner's saltbush. Photo courtesy: Matt Lavin, Montana State University, Flickr., CC 2.0.


Gardner’s saltbush is a beneficial year-round browse and forage for wildlife, sheep, and cattle and tolerates moderate use. Heavy use of Gardner’s saltbush could be detrimental to regrowth (Blaisdell & Holmgren, 1984; Goodrich & Zobell, 2011; Smith et al., 2016). It grows on winter ranges and in areas with little precipitation (6 to 8 inches) where other vegetation may be sparse (Blaisdell & Holmgren, 1984; Goodrich & Zobell, 2011; Smith et al., 2016). Wildlife benefitting from Gardner’s saltbush year-round foliage include pronghorn antelope, mourning doves, chukars, sage grouse, songbirds, rodents, rabbits, reptiles, coyotes, bobcats, kit foxes, badgers, owls, hawks, eagles, and merlins (Blaisdell & Holmgren, 1984; Becker & Sieg, 1987). Gardner’s saltbush also provides nectar and pollen for insects (Blaisdell & Holmgren, 1984). Gardner’s saltbush can establish and grow on extremely disturbed sites, including soils with high salinity. It is appropriate for mine reclamation, rangeland restoration, and soil stabilization (Burton, 1982; Blaisdell & Holmgren, 1984; Ewing &Dobrowolski, 1992; McArthur & Monsen, 2004; Meyer, 2008). Gardner’s saltbush is somewhat inflammable and resprouts after fire, as such, it can be used a fuel break to stop or slow fire spread (Nord et al., 1968; Monsen & Kitchen, 1994; Fryer, 2020). In arid and semi-arid areas, Gardner’s saltbush is used as an ornamental for its drought tolerance (Jonas et al., 2018; Fryer, 2020).


Indigenous people made pinole flour by grinding the dried fruit of Gardner’s saltbush (Utah State University Extension, 2017).


Gardner’s saltbush is not a threatened or endangered species, wetland indicator species, or state noxious weed. Please consult the PLANTS Website ( and your state’s Department of Natural Resources for this species current status (e.g., threatened or endangered species, state noxious status, and wetland indicator values).

Planting Guidelines

Drill seeding is an effective method for establishing Gardner’s saltbush. Seed should be dormant planted, after November 1 in Bridger, Montana, though spring plantings in April or May are possible (Carlson et al., 1984). For a full stand, 3 Pure Live Seeds (PLS) should be planted per square foot or linear foot or 1 PLS lb/acre (USDA-NRCS, 2013). For best results, seed should be planted as part of a native seed mix into a firm, weed-free seedbed (McArthur & Monsen, 2004; Jonas et al., 2018). Ideal seeding depths are ½ inch or less (Carlson et al., 1984).


Minimizing soil surface disturbance is the best management approach for Gardner’s saltbush (Blaisdell & Holmgren, 1984). Newly seeded Gardner’s saltbush sites should be protected from livestock grazing for three or more years (Jonas et al., 2018). Once established, grazing can occur when plants are dormant, but should cease before spring plant growth ensues (Jonas et al., 2018). Gardner’s saltbush should not be grazed heavily as weedy and invasive species such as halogeton (Halogeton glomeratus) and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) can replace it (Goodrich & Zobell, 2011; Jonas et al., 2018). Halogeton is poisonous to sheep and cattle and reduces forage when it outcompetes Gardner’s saltbush (Blaisdell & Holmgren, 1984; USDA-NRCS, 2008). Consider resting Gardner’s saltbush areas from livestock use (Jonas et al., 2018). Use diversionary seed and install exclusion cages to protect new seedings (Jonas et al., 2018). Weed control is critical during the first year of Gardner’s saltbush establishment and can be accomplished with cultivation and hand-hoeing (Carlson et al., 1984). Herbicide can be applied in the second year and thereafter as needed (Carlson et al., 1984). Figure 2. Gardner's saltbush. Photo courtesy: Matt Lavin, Montana State University, Flickr, CC 2.0.

Environmental Concerns



Gardner’s saltbush is not considered weedy or invasive. However, in warmer and drier climates in its range, Gardner’s saltbush could replace semidesert vegetation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem given the appropriate soil types (Romme & Turner, 1991). No known pests or problems are associated with the species.

Seeds and Plant Production

Plant Production

Plant Production

Full stand seed production entails dormant fall drill seeding of de-winged seeds at 3 PLS per linear foot at approximately ½ inch in depth (Carlson et al., 1984; USDA-NRCS, 2013). Irrigate to keep soil moisture above 50% field capacity. Hand-hoe or cultivate to remove weeds. In the first year after seeding, and no later than the third week in November in Bridger, Montana, Gardner’s saltbush is mowed to 3-inch stubble height with a rotary mower (Carlson et al., 1984). In the second and subsequent years, hand-hoe, cultivate, or apply herbicide once or twice for weed management. Irrigate once before and once after flowering. A full canopy is achieved by mid-to-late summer (Carlson et al., 1984). Seed harvest typically occurs between September 20 and October 18 in Bridger, Montana. Gardner’s saltbush is cut and wind-rowed with a hay swather to allow immature seed to ripen before processing. A conventional grain combine set to 1,450 rpm cylinder speed, 3/16-inch cylinder spacing, with ¼ inch screen, is used to separate seed from stem. Gardner saltbush averages 77,000 seeds per pound after seed cleaning (Carlson et al., 1984). Cultivars, Improved, and Selected Materials (and area of origin) There are no known Gardner’s saltbush seed sources for conservation purposes. Plant selections (cultivars, germplasms, and seed sources) should be chosen based on the local climate, resistance to local pests, and intended use. Consult with your local land grant university, local county Extension office, or local USDA NRCS field office for recommendations on adapted seed sources for use in your area.

Literature Cited

Becker, D.M. and C.H. Sieg. 1987. Home range and habitat utilization of breeding male merlins, Falco columbarius, in southeastern Montana. Canadian Field-Naturalist 101(3): 398-403. Blaisdell, J.P. and R.C. Holmgren. 1984. General Technical Report INT-163. USDA – Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden, UT 84401. Burton, P. 1982. Seed case studies on Atriplex gardneri (MOQ) Dietr.: Bractiole cell wall composition and enzymatic degradation. All Graduate Thesis and Dissertations. 3467. Utah State University. Carlson, J.R., J.G. Scheetz and W.R. Oaks. 1984. Seed production techniques of two Chenopods: Gardner Saltbush (Atriplex gardneri [Moq.] D. Dietr.) and winterfat (Eurotia lanata [Pursh] Moq.). Proceedings – Symposium on the biology of Atriplex and related Chenopods. USDA – Forest Service, General Technical Report INT-172,Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, Ogden UT 84401. pp 191-192. Ewing, K. and J.P. Dobrowolski. 1992. Dynamics of shrub die-off in a salt desert plant community. Journal of


Management (45): 194-199, Flora of North America, 2021, Volume 4, p 371, Available at http://www,efloras,org/florataxon,aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=242415582 (accessed on June 23, 2021), Fryer, J,L, 2020, Atriplex gardneri, Gardner’s saltbush, In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online], U,S, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer), Available at https://www,fs,fed,us/database/feis/plants/shrub/atrgar/all,html (accessed on June 17, 2020), Goodrich, S, and A, Zobell, 2011, Trend of Gardner saltbush and halogeton in the Lower Green River Basin, Wyoming, Natural Resources and Environmental Issues 17 (Article 9): 291-297, Jacobs, S,W,L, 2001, Review of leaf anatomy and ultrastructure in the Chenopodiaceae (Carophyllales), Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society 128(3): 23-253, Figure 3, Gardner's saltbush, Photo courtesy: Matt Lavin, Montana State University, Flickr, CC 2,0,

https://creativecommons,org/licenses/by-sa/2,0/ Jonas, J,L,, M,N, Grant-Hoffman and M,W, Paschke, 2018, Restoration of North America Salt Deserts: A look at the past and suggestions for the future, Ecological Restoration 36(3): 177-194, McArthur, E,D, and S,B, Monsen, 2004, Chapter 20, Chenopod Shrubs, General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-136, U,S, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Stations, Fort Collins, CO: p, 467-492, Meyer, S,E, 2008, Atriplex L,: saltbush, In: Bonner, Franklin T,; Karrfalt, Robert P,, eds, The Woody Plant Seed Manual, Agric, Handbook No, 727, Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington DC, U,S, p, 283-290, Available at https://www,fs,usda,gov/rmrs/publications/atriplex-l-saltbush (accessed on September 9, 2021), Monsen, S,B, and S,G, Kitchen, 1994, Proceedings – Ecology and Management of Annual Rangelands, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station, General Technical Report INT-GTR-313, Ogden, UT, 73p, Nord, E,C, D,R, Christensen and A,P, Plummer, 1969, Atriplex species [or taxa] that spread by root sprouts, stem layers, and by seed, Ecology 50(2): 324-326, Robson, D,B, 2008, The saltbushes (Atriplex) of the Prairie provinces, Blue Jay 66 (4):211-225, Rocky Mountain Herbarium, 2008, University of Wyoming Department of Botany, Dept, 3165, 1000 E, University Ave,, Laramie, WY 82071-3165, Available at http://rmh,uwyo,edu/data/search,php (accessed on June 24, 2021), Romme, W,H, and M,G, Turner, 1991, Implications of global climate change for biogeographic patterns in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Conservation Biology 5(3): 373-386, Smith, R,C,, B,L, Use soil moisture sensors to measure the soil moisture of Atriplex nuttallii S. Watson ssp. buxifolia (Rydb.) H.M. Hall & Clem.., Waldron, J,E, Creech, R,A, Zobell and D,R, ZoBell, 2016, Forage kochia and Russian wildrye potential for rehabilitating Gardner’s saltbush ecosystems degraded by halogeton, Rangeland Ecology & Management 69: 390-398, Stutz, H,C, 1978, Explosive evolution of perennial Atriplex in western America, Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs 2 (Article 10): 161-168, The Lewis and Clark Herbarium, 2021, The Academy of Natural Sciences, Drexel University, 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway, Philadelphia, PA 19103, Available at https://ansp,org/search/?q=Atriplex%20gardneri (accessed on June 22, 2021), USDA-NRCS, 2008, Halogeton Plant Guide, National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, URL: https://plants,usda,gov (accessed on August 12, 2021), USDA-NRCS, 2013, Seeding Rates for Conservation Species for Montana, Plant Materials Technical Note No, MT-46 (Rev, 4), USDA-NRCS, Bridger Plant Materials Center, Bridger, MT, 12 p, USDA-NRCS, 2020, PLANTS Database, National Plant Data Team, Greensboro, NC 27401-4901 USA, URL: http://plants,usda,gov (accessed on June 16, 2021), Utah State University Extension, 2017, Range plants of Utah, URL: https://extension,usu,edu/rangeplants/shrubs-and-trees/GardnerSaltbush (accessed August 6, 2021), Welsh, S,L, 2020, Flora of North America, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, URL: http://beta,floranorthamerica,org/Atriplex_gardneri (accessed June 17, 2021), Welsh, S,L, and C, Crompton, 1995, Names and types in perennial Atriplex Linnaeus (Chenopodiaceae) in North America selectively exclusive of Mexico, The Great Basin Naturalist 55(4):322-334, Citation Majeski, M, and J, Scianna, 2021, Plant Guide for Gardner’s saltbush (Atriplex gardneri), USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Bridger Plant Materials Center, Bridger, MT, Published: September 2021 Edited: 27September21HD For more information about this and other plants, please contact your local NRCS field office or Conservation District at http://www,nrcs,usda,gov/ and visit the PLANTS Web site at http://plants,usda,gov/ or the Plant Materials Program web site: http://plant-materials,nrcs,usda,gov, PLANTS is not responsible for the content or availability of other Web sites,
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Plant Traits

Growth Requirements

Temperature, Minimum (°F)-38
Adapted to Coarse Textured SoilsYes
Adapted to Fine Textured SoilsYes
Adapted to Medium Textured SoilsYes
Anaerobic ToleranceNone
CaCO3 ToleranceHigh
Cold Stratification RequiredYes
Drought ToleranceHigh
Fertility RequirementLow
Fire ToleranceHigh
Frost Free Days, Minimum110
Hedge ToleranceNone
Moisture UseLow
pH, Maximum9.0
pH, Minimum6.6
Planting Density per Acre, Maxim1200
Planting Density per Acre, Minim700
Precipitation, Maximum12
Precipitation, Minimum5
Root Depth, Minimum (inches)20
Salinity ToleranceHigh
Shade ToleranceIntolerant


Resprout AbilityYes
Shape and OrientationSemi-Erect
Active Growth PeriodSpring and Summer
C:N RatioMedium
Coppice PotentialNo
Fall ConspicuousNo
Fire ResistantNo
Flower ColorYellow
Flower ConspicuousNo
Foliage ColorGray-Green
Foliage Porosity SummerModerate
Foliage Porosity WinterPorous
Foliage TextureCoarse
Fruit/Seed ConspicuousNo
Nitrogen FixationNone
Low Growing GrassNo
Leaf RetentionNo
Known AllelopathNo
Height, Mature (feet)4.0
Height at 20 Years, Maximum (fee4
Growth RateSlow
Growth FormMultiple Stem
Fruit/Seed ColorBrown


Vegetative Spread RateNone
Small GrainNo
Seedling VigorMedium
Seed Spread RateSlow
Fruit/Seed Period EndFall
Seed per Pound111450
Propagated by TubersNo
Propagated by SprigsNo
Propagated by SodNo
Propagated by SeedYes
Propagated by CormNo
Propagated by ContainerYes
Propagated by BulbNo
Propagated by Bare RootYes
Fruit/Seed PersistenceNo
Fruit/Seed Period BeginFall
Fruit/Seed AbundanceMedium
Commercial AvailabilityRoutinely Available
Bloom PeriodLate Summer
Propagated by CuttingsNo


Veneer ProductNo
Pulpwood ProductNo
Protein PotentialMedium
Post ProductNo
Palatable HumanNo
Palatable Graze AnimalLow
Palatable Browse AnimalHigh
Nursery Stock ProductNo
Naval Store ProductNo
Lumber ProductNo
Fodder ProductNo
Christmas Tree ProductNo
Berry/Nut/Seed ProductNo