VegeWorx Plant Index - Letter Y
- Yabea - Yabea Koso-pol.
- Yacon - Polymnia Sonchifolia Poeppig & Endl.
- Yadon's Piperia - Piperia Yadonii R. Morgan & Ackerman
- Yadon's Wallflower - Erysimum Menziesii (Hook.) Wettst. ssp. yadonii R.A. Price
- Yager's Woollystar - Eriastrum Eremicum (Jeps.) H. Mason ssp. yageri (M.E. Jones) H. Mason
- Yakama Biscuitroot - Lomatium Tamanitchii Darrach & Thie
- Yakima Bird's-beak - Cordylanthus Capitatus Nutt. ex Benth.
- Yakima Milkvetch - Astragalus Reventiformis (Rydb.) Barneby
- Yakutsk Draba - Draba Pseudopilosa Pohle
- Yam Bean - Pachyrhizus Ahipa (Wedd.) L. Parodi
- Yam Bean - Pachyrhizus Erosus (L.) Urb.
- Yam - Dioscorea Composita Hemsl.
- Yam - Dioscorea Convolvulacea Cham. & Schltdl.
- Yam - Dioscorea Floribunda M. Martens & Galeotti
- Yam - Dioscorea L.
- Yam - Dioscorea Macrostachya Benth.
- Yam - Dioscorea Nummularia Lam.
- Yam - Dioscorea Spiculiflora Hemsl.
- Yamada's Widelip Orchid - Liparis Yamadae (Tuyama) Fosberg & Sachet
- Yambush - Gundlachia Corymbosa (Urb.) Britton ex Boldingh
- Yampa Beardtongue - Penstemon Yampaensis Penl.
- Yampa River Cryptantha - Cryptantha Stricta (Osterh.) Payson
- Yampah - Perideridia Rchb.
- Yamstick Mangrove - Scyphiphora Hydrophylacea C.F. Gaertn.
- Yankee Blackberry - Rubus Frondosus Bigelow
- Yankeeweed - Eupatorium Compositifolium Walter
- Yapana - Eupatorium Triplinerve Vahl
- Yardlong Bean - Vigna Unguiculata (L.) Walp. ssp. sesquipedalis (L.) Verdc.
- Yarran - Acacia Omalophylla A. Cunn. ex Benth.
- Yarrow - Achillea Ageratifolia (Sm.) Boiss.
- Yarrow - Achillea L.
- Yarrow - Achillea Pannonica Scheele
- Yasuda's Crabseye Lichen - Ochrolechia Yasudae Vain.
- Yate - Eucalyptus Cornuta Labill.
- Yauco - Cordia Gerascanthus L.
- Yaupon Blacksenna - Seymeria Cassioides (J.F. Gmel.) S.F. Blake
- Yaupon - Ilex Vomitoria Aiton
- Yautia Amarilla - Xanthosoma Atrovirens K. Koch & Bouché
- Yautia Horqueta - Xanthosoma Caracu K. Koch & Bouché
- Yavapai County Buckwheat - Eriogonum Ericifolium Torr. & A. Gray
- Yavapai County Buckwheat - Eriogonum Ericifolium Torr. & A. Gray var. ericifolium
- Yavapai County Buckwheat - Eriogonum Pulchrum Eastw.
- Ye Gu - Aeginetia Indica L.
- Yeatesia Laetevirens (Buckley) Small
- Yefen - Fuirena Umbellata Rottb.
- Yellow Alder - Turnera Pumilea L.
- Yellow Alfalfa - Medicago Sativa L. ssp. falcata (L.) Arcang.
- Yellow And Purple Monkeyflower - Mimulus Densus A.L. Grant
- Yellow And White Monkeyflower - Mimulus Bicolor Hartw. ex Benth.
- Yellow Anisetree - Illicium Parviflorum Michx. ex Vent.
- Yellow Archangel - Lamiastrum Galeobdolon (L.) Ehrend. & Polatschek
- Yellow Arctic Draba - Draba Nivalis Lilj.
- Yellow Arctic Draba - Draba Nivalis Lilj. var. nivalis
- Yellow Asphodel - Narthecium Americanum Ker Gawl.
- Yellow Aster - Eastwoodia Elegans Brandegee
- Yellow Avalanche-lily - Erythronium Grandiflorum Pursh
- Yellow Avalanche-lily - Erythronium Grandiflorum Pursh ssp. candidum Piper
- Yellow Avalanche-lily - Erythronium Grandiflorum Pursh ssp. grandiflorum
- Yellow Avens - Geum Aleppicum Jacq.
- Yellow Awn Candle Snuffer Moss - Encalypta Rhaptocarpa Schwägr.
- Yellow Balsam - Croton Flavens L.
- Yellow Birch - Betula Alleghaniensis Britton
- Yellow Birch - Betula Alleghaniensis Britton var. alleghaniensis
- Yellow Birch - Betula Alleghaniensis Britton var. macrolepis (Fernald) Brayshaw
- Yellow Bird's-foot - Ornithopus Compressus L.
- Yellow Bird's-foot - Ornithopus Pinnatus (Mill.) Druce
- Yellow Blanketflower - Gaillardia Flava Rydb.
- Yellow Bleeding Heart - Ehrendorferia Ochroleuca (Engelm.) Fukuhara
- Yellow Bloodleaf - Iresine Flavescens Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
- Yellow Bloodstain Lichen - Haematomma Ochroleucum (Neck.) J.R. Laundon
- Yellow Bloodstain Lichen - Haematomma Ochroleucum (Neck.) J.R. Laundon var. porphyrium (Pers.) J.R. Laundon
- Yellow Bloodwood - Corymbia Eximia (Schauer) K.D. Hill & L.A.S. Johnson
- Yellow Bluestem - Bothriochloa Ischaemum (L.) Keng
- Yellow Bluestem - Bothriochloa Ischaemum (L.) Keng var. ischaemum
- Yellow Bluestem - Bothriochloa Ischaemum (L.) Keng var. songarica (Rupr. ex Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Celarier
- Yellow Bractspike - Yeatesia Viridiflora (Nees) Small
- Yellow Buckeye - Aesculus Flava Aiton
- Yellow Bugle - Ajuga Chamaepitys (L.) Schreb.
- Yellow Bur Pincushionplant - Navarretia Prolifera Greene ssp. lutea (Brand) H. Mason
- Yellow Bush Lupine - Lupinus Arboreus Sims
- Yellow Butterfly Palm - Dypsis Lutescens (H. Wendl.) Beentje & Dransf.
- Yellow Butterwort - Pinguicula Lutea Walter
- Yellow Carolina Milkvine - Matelea Flavidula (Chapm.) Woodson
- Yellow Chiodecton Lichen - Chiodecton Ochroleucum Zahlbr.
- Yellow Colicroot - Aletris Lutea Small
- Yellow Columbine - Aquilegia Flavescens S. Watson
- Yellow Columbine - Aquilegia Flavescens S. Watson var. flavescens
- Yellow Columbine - Aquilegia Flavescens S. Watson var. miniata A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.
- Yellow Columbine - Aquilegia Flavescens S. Watson var. rubicunda (Tidestr.) S.L. Welsh
- Yellow Coralbells - Elmera Racemosa (S. Watson) Rydb.
- Yellow Coralbells - Elmera Racemosa (S. Watson) Rydb. var. puberulenta C.L. Hitchc.
- Yellow Coralbells - Elmera Racemosa (S. Watson) Rydb. var. racemosa
- Yellow Coralroot - Corallorhiza Trifida Chatelain
- Yellow Crabgrass - Digitaria Fuscescens (J. Presl) Henr.
- Yellow Creeping Zinnia - Sanvitalia Ocymoides DC.
- Yellow Crocus - Crocus Flavus Weston
- Yellow Crownbeard - Verbesina Occidentalis (L.) Walter
- Yellow Crownvetch - Coronilla Scorpioides (L.) W.D.J. Koch
- Yellow Cups - Camissonia Brevipes (A. Gray) P.H. Raven
- Yellow Daylily - Hemerocallis Lilioasphodelus L.
- Yellow Evening Primrose - Oenothera Flava (A. Nelson) Garrett
- Yellow Evening Primrose - Oenothera Flava (A. Nelson) Garrett ssp. flava
- Yellow Evening Primrose - Oenothera Flava (A. Nelson) Garrett ssp. taraxacoides (Wooton & Standl.) W.L. Wa
- Yellow Fairybells - Prosartes Lanuginosa (Michx.) D. Don
- Yellow Flatsedge - Cyperus Flavescens L.
- Yellow Flatsedge - Cyperus Flavidus Retz.
- Yellow Floatingheart - Nymphoides Peltata (S.G. Gmel.) Kuntze
- Yellow Flymallow - Cienfuegosia Drummondii (A. Gray) Lewt.
- Yellow Foxglove - Digitalis Grandiflora Mill.
- Yellow Foxtail - Setaria Pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult.
- Yellow Foxtail - Setaria Pumila (Poir.) Roem. & Schult. ssp. pumila
- Yellow Fringed Orchid - Platanthera Ciliaris (L.) Lindl.
- Yellow Fringeless Orchid - Platanthera Integra (Nutt.) A. Gray ex Beck
- Yellow Fritillary - Fritillaria Pudica (Pursh) Spreng.
- Yellow Fumewort - Corydalis Flavula (Raf.) DC.
- Yellow Gentian - Gentiana Lutea L.
- Yellow Giant Hyssop - Agastache Nepetoides (L.) Kuntze
- Yellow Gilia - Linanthus Filiformis (Parry ex A. Gray) J.M. Porter & L.A. Johnson
- Yellow Glandweed - Parentucellia Viscosa (L.) Caruel
- Yellow Groove Bamboo - Phyllostachys Aureosulcata McClure
- Yellow Guinea Yam - Dioscorea Cayenensis Lam.
- Yellow Hairgrass - Aira Praecox L.
- Yellow Hatpins - Syngonanthus Flavidulus (Michx.) Ruhl.
- Yellow Hawkweed - Hieracium Fendleri Sch. Bip.
- Yellow Hawkweed - Hieracium Fendleri Sch. Bip. var. discolor A. Gray
- Yellow Hawkweed - Hieracium Fendleri Sch. Bip. var. fendleri
- Yellow Hedgehyssop - Gratiola Flava Leavenworth
- Yellow Himalayan Raspberry - Rubus Ellipticus Sm.
- Yellow Himalayan Raspberry - Rubus Ellipticus Sm. var. ellipticus Sm. [excluded]
- Yellow Himalayan Raspberry - Rubus Ellipticus Sm. var. obcordatus Focke
- Yellow Honeysuckle - Lonicera Flava Sims
- Yellow Hornpoppy - Glaucium Flavum Crantz
- Yellow Indian Mallow - Abutilon Malacum S. Watson
- Yellow Indian Paintbrush - Castilleja Flava S. Watson
- Yellow Indian Paintbrush - Castilleja Flava S. Watson var. flava
- Yellow Jacob's-ladder - Polemonium Foliosissimum A. Gray var. flavum (Greene) Anway
- Yellow Joyweed - Alternanthera Flavescens Kunth
- Yellow Kopsia - Kopsia Flavida Blume
- Yellow Larkspur - Delphinium Luteum A. Heller
- Yellow Leafbract - Malachra Alceifolia Jacq.
- Yellow Licorice Weed - Scoparia Flava Cham. & Schltdl.
- Yellow Loosestrife - Lysimachia L.
- Yellow Loosestrife - Lysimachia ×commixta Fernald
- Yellow Loosestrife - Lysimachia ×producta (A. Gray) Fernald (pro sp.)
- Yellow Loosestrife - Lysimachia ×radfordii H.E. Ahles
- Yellow Mandarin - Prosartes Maculata (Buckley) A. Gray
- Yellow Mariposa - Calochortus Superbus Purdy ex J.T. Howell
- Yellow Mariposa Lily - Calochortus Luteus Douglas ex Lindl.
- Yellow Marsh Marigold - Caltha Palustris L.
- Yellow Marsh Marigold - Caltha Palustris L. var. palustris
- Yellow Marsh Marigold - Caltha Palustris L. var. radicans (T.F. Forst.) Beck
- Yellow Marsh Saxifrage - Saxifraga Hirculus L.
- Yellow Marsh Saxifrage - Saxifraga Hirculus L. ssp. compacta K.O. Hedb.
- Yellow Marsh Saxifrage - Saxifraga Hirculus L. ssp. hirculus
- Yellow Marsh Saxifrage - Saxifraga Hirculus L. ssp. propinqua (R. Br.) Á. Löve & D. Löve
- Yellow Meadowbeauty - Rhexia Lutea Walter
- Yellow Mignonette - Reseda Lutea L.
- Yellow Milkvetch - Astragalus Flavus Nutt.
- Yellow Milkwort - Polygala Rugelii Shuttlw. ex Chapm.
- Yellow Mombin - Spondias Mombin L.
- Yellow Monardella - Monardella Nana A. Gray
- Yellow Monardella - Monardella Nana A. Gray ssp. arida (H.M. Hall) Abrams
- Yellow Monardella - Monardella Nana A. Gray ssp. nana
- Yellow Monardella - Monardella Nana A. Gray ssp. tenuiflora (S. Watson ex A. Gray) Abrams
- Yellow Monkey-flower - Mimulus Luteus L.
- Yellow Monkshood - Aconitum Anthora L.
- Yellow Monkswort - Nonea Lutea (Desr.) Rchb. ex DC.
- Yellow Moosedung Moss - Splachnum Luteum Hedw.
- Yellow Moosedung Moss - Splachnum Luteum Hedw. var. luteum
- Yellow Mountain Saxifrage - Saxifraga Aizoides L.
- Yellow Mountain-avens - Dryas Drummondii Richardson ex Hook. var. eglandulosa A.E. Porsild
- Yellow Mountainheath - Phyllodoce Glanduliflora (Hook.) Coville
- Yellow Mustard - Guillenia Flavescens (Hook.) Greene
- Yellow Nailwort - Paronychia Virginica Spreng.
- Yellow Necklacepod - Sophora Tomentosa L.
- Yellow Necklacepod - Sophora Tomentosa L. var. littoralis (Schrad.) Benth.
- Yellow Necklacepod - Sophora Tomentosa L. var. occidentalis (L.) Isely
- Yellow Necklacepod - Sophora Tomentosa L. var. truncata Torr. & A. Gray
- Yellow Nicker - Caesalpinia Bonduc (L.) Roxb.
- Yellow Nightshade Groundcherry - Physalis Crassifolia Benth.
- Yellow Nightshade Groundcherry - Physalis Crassifolia Benth. var. crassifolia
- Yellow Nightshade Groundcherry - Physalis Crassifolia Benth. var. versicolor (Rydb.) Waterf.
- Yellow Nodding Lady's Tresses - Spiranthes Ochroleuca (Rydb.) Rydb.
- Yellow Nutsedge - Cyperus Esculentus L.
- Yellow Nutsedge - Cyperus Esculentus L. var. esculentus L. [excluded]
- Yellow Nutsedge - Cyperus Esculentus L. var. hermannii (Buckley) Britton
- Yellow Nutsedge - Cyperus Esculentus L. var. leptostachyus Boeckeler
- Yellow Nutsedge - Cyperus Esculentus L. var. macrostachyus Boeckeler
- Yellow Nutsedge - Cyperus Esculentus L. var. sativus Boeckeler
- Yellow Oatgrass - Trisetum Flavescens (L.) P. Beauv.
- Yellow Owl's-clover - Orthocarpus Luteus Nutt.
- Yellow Paloverde - Parkinsonia Microphylla Torr.
- Yellow Passionflower - Passiflora Lutea L.
- Yellow Pea - Lathyrus Aphaca L.
- Yellow Penstemon - Penstemon Confertus Douglas ex Lindl.
- Yellow Pepperweed - Lepidium Flavum Torr.
- Yellow Pepperweed - Lepidium Flavum Torr. var. felipense C.L. Hitchc.
- Yellow Pepperweed - Lepidium Flavum Torr. var. flavum
- Yellow Phacelia - Phacelia Lutea (Hook. & Arn.) J.T. Howell
- Yellow Phacelia - Phacelia Lutea (Hook. & Arn.) J.T. Howell var. lutea
- Yellow Pimpernel - Taenidia Integerrima (L.) Drude
- Yellow Pincushion - Chaenactis Glabriuscula DC.
- Yellow Pincushion - Chaenactis Glabriuscula DC. var. glabriuscula
- Yellow Pincushion - Chaenactis Glabriuscula DC. var. heterocarpha (Torr. & A. Gray ex A. Gray) H.M. Hall
- Yellow Pincushion - Chaenactis Glabriuscula DC. var. lanosa (DC.) H.M. Hall
- Yellow Pincushion - Chaenactis Glabriuscula DC. var. megacephala A. Gray
- Yellow Pitcherplant - Sarracenia Flava L.
- Yellow Pond-lily - Nuphar Lutea (L.) Sm.
- Yellow Pond-lily - Nuphar Lutea (L.) Sm. ssp. advena (Aiton) Kartesz & Gandhi
- Yellow Pond-lily - Nuphar Lutea (L.) Sm. ssp. orbiculata (Small) E.O. Beal
- Yellow Pond-lily - Nuphar Lutea (L.) Sm. ssp. pumila (Timm) E.O. Beal
- Yellow Pond-lily - Nuphar Lutea (L.) Sm. ssp. rubrodisca (Morong) Hellquist & Wiersema
- Yellow Pond-lily - Nuphar Lutea (L.) Sm. ssp. sagittifolia (Walter) E.O. Beal
- Yellow Pond-lily - Nuphar Lutea (L.) Sm. ssp. ulvacea (G.S. Mill. & Standl.) E.O. Beal
- Yellow Poui - Tabebuia Serratifolia (Vahl) G. Nicholson
- Yellow Prickle - Zanthoxylum Monophyllum (Lam.) P. Wilson
- Yellow Puff - Neptunia Lutea (Leavenworth) Benth.
- Yellow Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus Viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt.
- Yellow Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus Viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. axillaris (D.D. Keck) L.C. Anderson
- Yellow Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus Viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. lanceolatus (Nutt.) H.M. Hall & Clem.
- Yellow Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus Viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. planifolius L.C. Anderson
- Yellow Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus Viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. puberulus (D.C. Eaton) H.M. Hall & Clem.
- Yellow Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus Viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. viscidiflorus
- Yellow Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus Viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. viscidiflorus var. latifolius (D.C. Eaton) Gr
- Yellow Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus Viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. viscidiflorus var. stenophyllus (A. Gray) H.M
- Yellow Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus Viscidiflorus (Hook.) Nutt. ssp. viscidiflorus var. viscidiflorus
- Yellow Rattle - Rhinanthus L.
- Yellow Rose - Rosa Xanthina Lindl.
- Yellow Salsify - Tragopogon Dubius Scop.
- Yellow Sarson - Brassica Rapa L. var. trilocularis (Roxb.) Kitam.
- Yellow Saxifrage - Saxifraga Sibthorpii Boiss.
- Yellow Screwstem - Bartonia Virginica (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.
- Yellow Sedge - Carex Flava L.
- Yellow Spiderflower - Cleome Lutea Hook.
- Yellow Spiderflower - Cleome Lutea Hook. var. lutea
- Yellow Spikerush - Eleocharis Flavescens (Poir.) Urb.
- Yellow Spikerush - Eleocharis Flavescens (Poir.) Urb. var. flavescens
- Yellow Spikerush - Eleocharis Flavescens (Poir.) Urb. var. thermalis (Rydb.) Cronquist
- Yellow Spinecape - Goodmania Luteola (Parry) Reveal & Ertter
- Yellow Spring Bedstraw - Galium Verum L.
- Yellow Spring Bedstraw - Galium Verum L. var. verum
- Yellow Star-thistle - Centaurea Solstitialis L.
- Yellow Star-tulip - Calochortus Monophyllus (Lindl.) Lem.
- Yellow Stingbush - Eucnide Bartonioides Zucc.
- Yellow Stingbush - Eucnide Bartonioides Zucc. var. bartonioides
- Yellow Stonecrop - Sedum Nuttallianum Raf.
- Yellow Streamers - Viguiera Triloba (A. Gray) J. Olsen
- Yellow Stringybark - Eucalyptus Muelleriana A.W. Howitt
- Yellow Sundrops - Calylophus Serrulatus (Nutt.) P.H. Raven
- Yellow Sunnybell - Schoenolirion Croceum (Michx.) Alph. Wood
- Yellow Tackstem - Calycoseris Parryi A. Gray
- Yellow Thimbleweed - Anemone Richardsonii Hook.
- Yellow Thistle - Cirsium Horridulum Michx.
- Yellow Thistle - Cirsium Horridulum Michx. var. horridulum
- Yellow Thistle - Cirsium Horridulum Michx. var. vittatum (Small) R.W. Long
- Yellow Triteleia - Triteleia Crocea (Alph. Wood) Greene
- Yellow Triteleia - Triteleia Crocea (Alph. Wood) Greene var. crocea
- Yellow Triteleia - Triteleia Crocea (Alph. Wood) Greene var. modesta (H.M. Hall) Hoover
- Yellow Troutlily - Erythronium Rostratum W. Wolf
- Yellow Trumpetbush - Tecoma Stans (L.) Juss. ex Kunth
- Yellow Trumpets - Sarracenia Alata Alph. Wood
- Yellow Twining Snapdragon - Neogaerrhinum Filipes (A. Gray) Rothm.
- Yellow Unicorn-plant - Ibicella Lutea (Lindl.) Van Eselt.
- Yellow Unicorn-plant - Ibicella Van Eselt.
- Yellow Velvetleaf - Limnocharis Flava (L.) Buchenau [excluded]
- Yellow Virginia Springbeauty - Claytonia Virginica L. var. virginica f. lutea R.J. Davis
- Yellow Wakerobin - Trillium Luteum (Muhl.) Harbison
- Yellow Wall Bedstraw - Galium Murale (L.) All.
- Yellow Wallowa Indian Paintbrush - Castilleja Chrysantha Greenm.
- Yellow Water Buttercup - Ranunculus Flabellaris Raf.
- Yellow Waterlily - Nymphaea Mexicana Zucc.
- Yellow White Larkspur - Delphinium Xantholeucum Piper
- Yellow Widelip Orchid - Liparis Loeselii (L.) Rich.
- Yellow Wild Indigo - Baptisia Sphaerocarpa Nutt.
- Yellow Wildrye - Leymus Flavescens (Scribn. & J.G. Sm.) Pilg.
- Yellow Willow - Salix Lutea Nutt.
- Yellow Willowherb - Epilobium Luteum Pursh
- Yellow Woodland Anemone - Anemone Ranunculoides L.
- Yellow Woollystar - Eriastrum Luteum (Benth.) H. Mason
- Yellow ‘ilima - Sida Fallax Walp.
- Yellow-ball Flower - Mallotus Tiliifolius (Blume) Müll. Arg.
- Yellow-box - Eucalyptus Melliodora A. Cunn. ex Schauer
- Yellow-boxwood - Planchonella Obovata (R. Br.) Pierre
- Yellow-cedar - Palicourea Croceoides Ham.
- Yellow-horn - Xanthoceras Sorbifolium Bunge
- Yellow-top Mallee-ash - Eucalyptus Luehmanniana F. Muell.
- Yellowband Iris - Iris Orientalis Mill.
- Yellowbeak Owl's-clover - Triphysaria Versicolor Fisch. & C.A. Mey.
- Yellowbeak Owl's-clover - Triphysaria Versicolor Fisch. & C.A. Mey. ssp. faucibarbatus (A. Gray) T.I. Chuang & He
- Yellowbeak Owl's-clover - Triphysaria Versicolor Fisch. & C.A. Mey. ssp. versicolor
- Yellowcomet - Mentzelia Affinis Greene
- Yellowcress - Nasturtium R. Br.
- Yellowcress - Nasturtium ×sterile (Airy-Shaw) Oefel.
- Yellowcress - Rorippa Scop.
- Yellowdome - Trichoptilium Incisum (A. Gray) A. Gray
- Yellowdot Saxifrage - Saxifraga Bronchialis L.
- Yellowdot Saxifrage - Saxifraga Bronchialis L. ssp. cherlerioides (D. Don) Hultén
- Yellowdot Saxifrage - Saxifraga Bronchialis L. ssp. codyanus (Zhmylev) Cody
- Yellowdot Saxifrage - Saxifraga Bronchialis L. ssp. vespertina (Small) Piper
- Yelloweyed Grass - Xyris L.
- Yelloweyes - Lupinus Flavoculatus A. Heller
- Yellowflower Clermontia - Clermontia Fulva Levl., nom. inq.
- Yellowflower Indian Mallow - Abutilon Reventum S. Watson
- Yellowflower Locoweed - Oxytropis Monticola A. Gray
- Yellowflower Onion - Allium Coryi M.E. Jones
- Yellowflower Tarweed - Holocarpha Virgata (A. Gray) D.D. Keck
- Yellowflower Tarweed - Holocarpha Virgata (A. Gray) D.D. Keck ssp. virgata
- Yellowfruit Horse-gentian - Triosteum Angustifolium L.
- Yellowfruit Sedge - Carex Annectens (E.P. Bicknell) E.P. Bicknell
- Yellowgreen Catchfly - Silene Chlorantha (Willd.) Ehrh.
- Yellowhair Indian Paintbrush - Castilleja Xanthotricha Pennell
- Yellowhead - Inula L.
- Yellowhood - Nissolia Jacq.
- Yellowishwhite Bladderwort - Utricularia Ochroleuca R.W. Hartm.
- Yellowleaf Hawthorn - Crataegus Flava Aiton
- Yellowleaf Iris - Iris Chrysophylla Howell
- Yellowlip Pansy Monkeyflower - Mimulus Pulchellus (E. Drew ex Greene) A.L. Grant
- Yellownut Hypolytrum - Hypolytrum Flavinux (T. Koyama) D.A. Simpson
- Yellowray Fremont's-gold - Syntrichopappus Fremontii A. Gray
- Yellowray Goldfields - Lasthenia Glabrata Lindl.
- Yellowray Goldfields - Lasthenia Glabrata Lindl. ssp. glabrata
- Yellowrocket - Barbarea W.t. Aiton
- Yellowroot - Xanthorhiza Marshall
- Yellowroot - Xanthorhiza Simplicissima Marshall
- Yellowseed False Pimpernel - Lindernia Dubia (L.) Pennell
- Yellowseed False Pimpernel - Lindernia Dubia (L.) Pennell var. anagallidea (Michx.) Cooperr.
- Yellowseed False Pimpernel - Lindernia Dubia (L.) Pennell var. dubia
- Yellowseed Fiddleleaf - Nama Xylopodum (Wooton & Standl.) C.L. Hitchc.
- Yellowseed - Gymnosiphon Blume
- Yellowshow - Amoreuxia Moc. & Sessé ex DC.
- Yellowshrub - Schradera Exotica (J.F. Gmel.) Standl.
- Yellowspike Orchid - Polystachya Hook.
- Yellowspine Thistle - Cirsium Ochrocentrum A. Gray
- Yellowspine Thistle - Cirsium Ochrocentrum A. Gray ssp. martinii P. Barlow
- Yellowspine Thistle - Cirsium Ochrocentrum A. Gray ssp. ochrocentrum
- Yellowstem Bushmallow - Malacothamnus Densiflorus (S. Watson) Greene
- Yellowstone Draba - Draba Incerta Payson
- Yellowstone Draba - Draba Incerta Payson var. incerta
- Yellowstone Draba - Draba Incerta Payson var. peasei (Fernald) Rollins
- Yellowstone Milkvetch - Astragalus Miser Douglas ex Hook. var. praeteritus Barneby
- Yellowstone Saxifrage - Saxifraga Subapetala E.E. Nelson
- Yellowtops - Flaveria Juss.
- Yellowtuft - Alyssum Corsicum Duby
- Yellowtuft - Alyssum Murale Waldst. & Kit.
- Yellowturbans - Eriogonum Pusillum Torr. & A. Gray
- Yellowwhite Cryptantha - Cryptantha Ochroleuca Higgins
- Yellowwood - Afrocarpus (j. Buchholz & E.G. Gray) C.N. Page
- Yellowwood - Afrocarpus Falcatus (Thunb.) C.N. Page
- Yellowwood - Cladrastis Raf.
- Yellowwood - Ochrosia Juss.
- Yelow Tulip - Moraea Pallida (Baker) Goldblatt
- Yenisei River Pondweed - Potamogeton Subsibiricus Hagstr.
- Yerba Buena - Clinopodium Douglasii (Benth.) Kuntze
- Yerba - Croton Ovalifolius Vahl
- Yerba De Alambre - Isachne Angustifolia Nash
- Yerba De Cabra - Melanthera Aspera (Jacq.) Steud. ex Small
- Yerba De Cabra - Melanthera Aspera (Jacq.) Steud. ex Small var. aspera
- Yerba De Cabra - Melanthera Aspera (Jacq.) Steud. ex Small var. glabriuscula (Kuntze) J.C. Parks
- Yerba De Clavo - Hydrocotyle Hirsuta Sw.
- Yerba De Culebra - Bacopa Stricta (Schrad.) B.L. Rob.
- Yerba De Estrella - Rhynchospora Ciliata (G. Mey.) Kük.
- Yerba De Faja - Struchium Sparganophorum (L.) Kuntze
- Yerba De Guava - Coccocypselum Herbaceum Aubl.
- Yerba De Guava - Coccocypselum Hirsutum Bartl. ex DC.
- Yerba De Guava Falso - Peperomia Cogniauxii Urb.
- Yerba De Hicotea - Hygrophila Costata Nees
- Yerba De Hierro - Alectra Fluminensis (Vell.) Stearn
- Yerba De Jicotea - Ludwigia Erecta (L.) H. Hara
- Yerba De La Pastora - Salvia Divinorum Epling & Jativa
- Yerba De Pasmo - Baccharis Pteronioides DC.
- Yerba De Peo - Porophyllum Leiocarpum (Urb.) Rydb.
- Yerba De Plata - Rolandra Fruticosa (L.) Kuntze
- Yerba De Plata - Rolandra Rottb.
- Yerba De San Juan - Pectis Humifusa Sw.
- Yerba De Zanja - Ruppia Anomala Ostenf.
- Yerba Linda - Peperomia Rotundifolia (L.) Kunth
- Yerba Mansa - Anemopsis Californica (Nutt.) Hook. & Arn.
- Yerba Mansa - Anemopsis Hook. & Arn.
- Yerba Maravilla - Ruellia Coccinea (L.) Vahl
- Yerba Maricao De Cueva - Gesneria Pauciflora Urb.
- Yerba Neto Hoja De Cueva - Gesneria Reticulata (Griseb.) Urb.
- Yerba Parrera - Gesneria Cuneifolia (DC.) Fritsch
- Yerba Porosa - Porophyllum Ruderale (Jacq.) Cass.
- Yerba Porosa - Porophyllum Ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. ssp. macrocephalum (DC.) R.R. Johnson
- Yerba Porosa - Porophyllum Ruderale (Jacq.) Cass. ssp. ruderale
- Yerba Puerto Rico De Cueva - Gesneria Citrina Urb.
- Yerba Santa - Eriodictyon Benth.
- Yew Plum Pine - Podocarpus Macrophyllus (Thunb.) Sweet
- Yew Plum Pine - Podocarpus Macrophyllus (Thunb.) Sweet var. maki Endl.
- Yew - Taxus L.
- Yewleaf Clubmoss - Huperzia Taxifolia (Sw.) Trevis.
- Yewleaf Dwarf Polypody - Grammitis Taxifolia (L.) Proctor
- Yewleaf Willow - Salix Taxifolia Kunth
- Yoco - Paullinia Yoco R.E. Schult. & Killip
- Yolla Bolly Bedstraw - Galium Ambiguum W. Wight
- Yolla Bolly Bedstraw - Galium Ambiguum W. Wight ssp. ambiguum
- Yolla Bolly Bird's-foot Trefoil - Lotus Yollabolliensis Munz
- Yolla Bolly Biscuitroot - Lomatium Ciliolatum Jeps.
- Yosemite Bog Orchid - Platanthera Yosemitensis Colwell, Sheviak & P.E. Moore
- Yosemite Buckthorn - Frangula Rubra (Greene) V. Grub. ssp. yosemitana (C.B. Wolf) Kartesz & Gandhi
- Yosemite Bulrush - Trichophorum Clementis (M.E. Jones) S.G. Sm.
- Yosemite Dwarf Rush - Juncus Triformis Engelm.
- Yosemite Lewisia - Lewisia Disepala Rydb.
- Yosemite Mousetail - Ivesia Unguiculata A. Gray
- Yosemite Onion - Allium Yosemitense Eastw.
- Yosemite Rockcress - Arabis Repanda S. Watson
- Yosemite Rockcress - Arabis Repanda S. Watson var. repanda
- Yosemite Sedge - Carex Sartwelliana Olney
- Yosemite Stonecrop - Sedum Spathulifolium Hook. ssp. yosemitense (Britton) R.T. Clausen
- Yosemite Tarweed - Jensia Yosemitana (Parry ex A. Gray) B.G. Baldw.
- Yosemite Woolly Sunflower - Eriophyllum Nubigenum Greene ex A. Gray
- Young Palm Orchid - Tropidia Polystachya (Sw.) Ames
- Young's Snowbell - Styrax Platanifolius Engelm. ssp. youngiae (Cory) P.W. Fritsch
- Youngia Japonica (L.) DC. ssp. elstonii (Hochr.) Babc. & Stebbins
- Youngia Pseudosenecio (Vaniot) Shih
- Youngia - Youngia Cass.
- Youth On Age - Tolmiea Menziesii (Pursh) Torr. & A. Gray
- Youth On Age - Tolmiea Torr. & A. Gray
- Yreka Phlox - Phlox Hirsuta E.E. Nelson
- Yuba Lupine - Lupinus Purpurascens A. Heller
- Yuba Pass Willowherb - Epilobium Howellii Hoch
- Yucatan Camphorweed - Pluchea Yucatanensis G.L. Nesom
- Yucatan Flymallow - Cienfuegosia Yucatanensis Millsp.
- Yucatan Noddingcaps - Triphora Rickettii Luer
- Yucatan Sage - Salvia Micrantha Vahl
- Yucatan Sage - Salvia Micrantha Vahl var. micrantha
- Yucatan Wild Petunia - Ruellia Yucatana (Leonard) Tharp & F.A. Barkley
- Yucca Angustifolia Pursh
- Yucca Angustissima Engelm. ex Trel. var. avia Reveal
- Yucca Angustissima Engelm. ex Trel. var. elata Engelm.
- Yucca Angustissima Engelm. ex Trel. var. mollis Engelm.
- Yucca Arizonica McKelvey
- Yucca Arkansana Trel. var. paniculata McKelvey
- Yucca Baccata Torr. var. baccata
- Yucca Baccata Torr. var. brevifolia (Schott ex Torr.) L.D. Benson & Darrow
- Yucca Baccata Torr. var. macrocarpa Torr.
- Yucca Baccata Torr. var. vespertina McKelvey
- Yucca Brevifolia Engelm. var. herbertii (J.M. Webber) Munz
- Yucca Brevifolia Schott ex Torr., nom. inval.
- Yucca Buckwheat - Eriogonum Plumatella Durand & Hilg.
- Yucca Californica Lemmon
- Yucca Californica Nutt. ex Baker
- Yucca Carnerosana auct. non (Trel.) McKelvey
- Yucca Concava Haw.
- Yucca Confinis McKelvey
- Yucca Crassifolia Engelm.
- Yucca Elata (Engelm.) Engelm. var. elata
- Yucca Elata (Engelm.) Engelm. var. utahensis (McKelvey) Reveal
- Yucca Elata (Engelm.) Engelm. var. verdiensis (McKelvey) Reveal
- Yucca Elephantipes Regel
- Yucca Filamentosa L. var. concava (Haw.) Baker
- Yucca Filamentosa L. var. smalliana (Fernald) H.E. Ahles
- Yucca Freemanii Shinners
- Yucca Gilbertiana (Trel.) Rydb.
- Yucca Graminifolia Alph. Wood
- Yucca Harrimaniae Trel. var. gilbertiana Trel.
- Yucca Intermedia McKelvey
- Yucca Intermedia McKelvey var. ramosa McKelvey
- Yucca Kanabensis McKelvey
- Yucca Macrocarpa (Torr.) Coville
- Yucca Macrocarpa Engelm., non Merriam
- Yucca Macrocarpa Merriam, non Engelm.
- Yucca Milkvetch - Astragalus Lentiginosus Douglas ex Hook. var. yuccanus M.E. Jones
- Yucca Mohavensis Sarg.
- Yucca Navajoa J.M. Webber
- Yucca Neomexicana Wooton & Standl.
- Yucca Newberryi McKelvey
- Yucca Nitida C. Wright ex W. Watson
- Yucca Plum Pine - Podocarpus Coriaceus Rich.
- Yucca Puberula Torr.
- Yucca Rostrata Engelm. ex Trel.
- Yucca Rostrata Engelm. ex Trel. var. linearis Trel.
- Yucca Rupicola Trel.
- Yucca Schottii auct. non Engelm.
- Yucca Smalliana Fernald
- Yucca Standleyi McKelvey
- Yucca Thornberi McKelvey
- Yucca Toftiae S.L. Welsh
- Yucca Tortifolia Lindl. ex Engelm.
- Yucca Treculeana Carrière var. canaliculata Trel.
- Yucca Treleasei J.F. Macbr.
- Yucca Utahensis McKelvey
- Yucca Verdiensis McKelvey
- Yucca Vespertina (McKelvey) S.L. Welsh
- Yucca Whipplei Torr.
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. ssp. caespitosa (M.E. Jones) Haines
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. ssp. eremica Epling & Haines
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. ssp. intermedia Haines
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. ssp. parishii (M.E. Jones) Haines
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. ssp. percursa Haines
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. var. caespitosa M.E. Jones
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. var. graminifolia (Alph. Wood) Trel.
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. var. intermedia (Haines) J.M. Webber
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. var. parishii M.E. Jones
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. var. percursa (Haines) J.M. Webber
- Yucca Whipplei Torr. var. whipplei
- Yucca - Yucca L.
- Yucca - Yucca Madrensis Gentry
- Yucca - Yucca ×karlsruhensis Graebn.
- Yukon Aster - Symphyotrichum Yukonense (Cronquist) G.L. Nesom
- Yukon Bellflower - Campanula Aurita Greene
- Yukon Fleabane - Erigeron Yukonensis Rydb.
- Yukon Fringed Gentian - Gentianopsis Detonsa (Rottb.) Ma ssp. yukonensis (J.M. Gillett) J.M. Gillett
- Yukon Groundsel - Tephroseris Yukonensis (A.E. Porsild) Holub
- Yukon Hawkweed - Hieracium Gracile Hook. var. yukonense A.E. Porsild
- Yukon Indian Paintbrush - Castilleja Yukonis Pennell
- Yukon Lupine - Lupinus Kuschei Eastw.
- Yukon Pine - Pinus Contorta Douglas ex Loudon var. yukonensis W.L. Strong
- Yukon Podistera - Podistera Yukonensis Mathias & Constance
- Yukon Sedge - Carex Bonanzensis Britton
- Yukon Stitchwort - Minuartia Yukonensis Hultén
- Yukon Wheatgrass - Elymus Calderi Barkworth
- Yukon Wheatgrass - Elymus ×yukonensis (Scribn. & Merr.) Á. Löve (pro sp.)
- Yukon Whitlowgrass - Draba Yukonensis A.E. Porsild
- Yukon Wormwood - Artemisia Macrobotrys Ledeb.
- Yuma Browneyes - Camissonia Claviformis (Torr. & Frém.) P.H. Raven ssp. yumae (P.H. Raven) P.H. Raven
- Yuma Sandmat - Chamaesyce Setiloba (Engelm. ex Torr.) J.B.S. Norton
- Yuma Silverbush - Argythamnia Serrata (Torr.) Müll. Arg.
- Yunnan Bauhinia - Bauhinia Yunnanensis Franch.
- Yunnan Luculia - Luculia Intermedia Hutch.
- Yuquilla - Schefflera Gleasonii (Britton & P. Wilson) Alain
- Yü-shan Raspberry - Rubus Hayata-koidzumii Naruh.