Sawtooth Oak

Scientific Name: Quercus acutissima Carruthers

Classification: Plantae/ Tracheobionta / Spermatophyta / Magnoliophyta / Magnoliopsida / Hamamelididae / Fagales / Fagaceae / Quercus L./ Quercus acutissima Carruthers

Sawtooth Oak
General Information
Usda SymbolQUAC80
Life CyclePerennial
Growth HabitsTree
Native LocationsQUAC80

Plant Guide

Use a soil moisture meter to monitor the soil moisture where Sawtooth Oak is planted.

Fact Sheet


The primary use for this species is as a wildlife food source and cover. It is also a good shade tree.


Please consult the PLANTS Web site and your State Department of Natural Resources for this plant’s current status (e.g. threatened or endangered species, state noxious status, and wetland indicator values).


Sawtooth oak is a large species, reaching a mature height of 70 feet. The leaves are similar to those of the chestnut but are smaller, 4-8 inches, and have pointed teeth. The acorns are also small in size, ranging from 5/8-3/4 inch long and are enclosed in cups with long, spreading, recurving scales. Approximately 2/3 of the nut is covered by the cup. Trees produce about 150 acorns per pound.

Adaptation and Distribution



Sawtooth oak is native to eastern Asia but was introduced into the eastern United States around 1920. The range of adaptation extends from Northern Florida west to eastern Texas and Oklahoma, northward through Missouri to New York and into southern New England. On exposed sites in the northern Finger Lakes Region of New York, it may winterkill. Sawtooth oak is winter hardy and can be grown in soils from sandy loam to clay loam. However, the best performance is achieved in deep, well-drained soils. It can also be grown on reclaimed surface mined land where favorable moisture conditions are present and pH is above 5.0. For a current distribution map, please consult the Plant Profile page for this species on the PLANTS Website. C. Miller USDA NRCS


One year old seedlings should be planted 15-20 feet apart for maximum acorn production, In areas where multiple rows are used, the spacing should be no less than 20 feet apart, Use soil moisture sensors to measure the soil moisture of Sawtooth Oak., There should be at least 15 plants per planting for effective wind pollination, Site preparation consists of clearing the existing vegetation from an area at least 3 feet in diameter around the newly planted seedling, The seedling should be planted at the same depth it was growing at in the nursery, At the bottom of the hole, apply a handful of 10-10-10 or 18-8-3 fertilizer pellets, Cover the pellets with 2-3 inches of soil, Do not allow the seedling to come in contact with the fertilizer, Water and mulch immediately to conserve water and discourage weeds, If planting by acorns, begin in the early fall, Plant acorns 3/4-1 inch deep, The seedlings should not be transplanted until they reach 12-18 inches in height,

Plant Traits

Growth Requirements

Temperature, Minimum (°F)-13
Adapted to Coarse Textured SoilsYes
Adapted to Fine Textured SoilsYes
Adapted to Medium Textured SoilsYes
Anaerobic ToleranceNone
CaCO3 ToleranceMedium
Cold Stratification RequiredYes
Drought ToleranceMedium
Fertility RequirementLow
Fire ToleranceLow
Frost Free Days, Minimum145
Hedge ToleranceLow
Moisture UseMedium
pH, Maximum7.0
pH, Minimum4.9
Planting Density per Acre, Maxim800
Planting Density per Acre, Minim300
Precipitation, Maximum50
Precipitation, Minimum32
Root Depth, Minimum (inches)40
Salinity ToleranceNone
Shade ToleranceIntolerant


Resprout AbilityYes
Shape and OrientationRounded
Active Growth PeriodSpring and Summer
C:N RatioHigh
Coppice PotentialNo
Fall ConspicuousYes
Fire ResistantNo
Flower ColorGreen
Flower ConspicuousNo
Foliage ColorDark Green
Foliage Porosity SummerDense
Foliage Porosity WinterPorous
Foliage TextureCoarse
Fruit/Seed ConspicuousYes
Nitrogen FixationNone
Low Growing GrassNo
Leaf RetentionNo
Known AllelopathNo
Height, Mature (feet)70.0
Height at 20 Years, Maximum (fee60
Growth RateRapid
Growth FormSingle Stem
Fruit/Seed ColorBrown


Vegetative Spread RateNone
Small GrainNo
Seedling VigorHigh
Seed Spread RateSlow
Seed per Pound150
Fruit/Seed PersistenceNo
Propagated by TubersNo
Propagated by SprigsNo
Propagated by SodNo
Propagated by SeedYes
Propagated by CormNo
Propagated by CuttingsYes
Bloom PeriodMid Spring
Commercial AvailabilityRoutinely Available
Fruit/Seed AbundanceMedium
Fruit/Seed Period BeginSummer
Fruit/Seed Period EndFall
Propagated by Bare RootYes
Propagated by BulbNo
Propagated by ContainerYes


Veneer ProductNo
Pulpwood ProductNo
Protein PotentialLow
Post ProductNo
Palatable HumanNo
Palatable Graze AnimalMedium
Palatable Browse AnimalLow
Nursery Stock ProductYes
Naval Store ProductNo
Lumber ProductNo
Fuelwood ProductHigh
Fodder ProductNo
Christmas Tree ProductNo
Berry/Nut/Seed ProductYes

Sawtooth Oak

Sawtooth Oak

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