Broadleaf Cattail

Scientific Name: Typha latifolia L.

Classification: Plantae/ Tracheobionta / Spermatophyta / Magnoliophyta / Liliopsida / Commelinidae / Typhales / Typhaceae / Typha L./ Typha latifolia L.

Broadleaf Cattail
General Information
Usda SymbolTYLA
Life CyclePerennial
Growth HabitsForb/herb
Native LocationsTYLA

Plant Guide

Alternate Names

Flags, rushes, bulrushes, cat o’nine tails, Cossack asparagus, reed mace, baco (cattail)


Ethnobotanic: All parts of the cattail are edible when gathered at the appropriate stage of growth. The young shoots are cut from the rhizomes (underground stems) in the spring when they are about 4 to 16 inches long. The raw young shoots taste like cucumber and can also be made into pickles. When the young shoots are steamed they taste like cabbage. The base of the stem where it attaches to the rhizome can be boiled or roasted like potatoes. The young flower stalks can be taken out of their sheaths and can be boiled or steamed just like corn (Roos-Collins 1990; Clarke 1977). Cattail pollen is a fine substitute for flours. It is a bright yellow or green color, and turns pancakes, cookies or biscuits a pretty yellow color (which children love). The rhizomes (underground stems) and lower stems have a sweet flavor and can be eaten raw, baked, roasted, or broiled. Cattail rhizomes are fairly high in starch content; this is usually listed at about 30% to 46%. The core can be ground into flour. One acre of cattails would yield about 6,475 pounds of flour (Harrington 1972). This flour would probably contain about 80 % carbohydrates and around 6% to 8% protein. Since cattail occurs around the world, it is a potential source of food for the worlds' population. Alfred Brousseau © Brother Eric Vogel, St. Mary’s College @ CalPhotos Newly emerging shoots of cattails are edible, with delicate flavor and crispy asparagus like texture (Glenn Keator, Linda Yamane, Ann Lewis 1995). The end of a new stem of cattail is popular for eating with Washoes (Murphy 1959). When mixed with tallow, the brown fuzz can be chewed like gum. The Klamath and Modocs of northern California and southern Oregon make flexible baskets of twined tule or cattail. Cattails or tules were also twined to form mats of varying sizes for sleeping, sitting, working, entertaining, covering doorways, for shade, and a myriad of other uses. The Cahuilla Indians used the stalks for matting, bedding material, and ceremonial bundles (Barrows 1967). Some tribes used the leaves and sheath bases as caulking materials. Apaches used the pollen in female puberty ceremonies. After dipping the spike in coal oil, the stalk makes a fine torch. The fluff can also be used as tinder, insulation, or for lining baby cradleboards. The down is used for baby beds (Murphey 1959). Lengths of cattail were plied into rope or other size cordage, and cattail rope was used in some areas to bind bundles of tule into tule boats. Air pockets or aerenchyma in the stems provide the buoyancy that makes tule good boat-building material. Other Uses: Wildlife, wetland restoration, wastewater tertiary treatment, edible (young shoots, base of stem, flower stalks, pollen, rhizomes), and aesthetics. The multitudes of tiny, wind-carried seeds are too small and too hairy to be attractive to birds (Hotchkiss and Dozier 1949). In a few exceptions, the seeds are eaten by several duck species. Cattail rootstocks are much more valuable as food for wildlife than are the seeds. Geese and muskrats prefer the stems and roots. Moose and elk eat fresh spring shoots. Shelter and nesting cover are provided for long-billed marsh wrens, red-wing blackbirds, and yellow-headed blackbirds.


Please consult the PLANTS Web site and your State Department of Natural Resources for this plant’s current status, such as, state noxious status and wetland indicator values.


General: Cattail Family (Typhaceae). Cattails are herbaceous, rhizomatous perennial plants with long, slender green stalks topped with brown, fluffy, sausage-shaped flowering heads. Typha latifolia plants are 15-30 dm tall. The spike-like, terminal, cylindric inflorescence has staminate flowers above and pistillate flowers below with a naked axis between the staminate and pistillate flowers. The spike is green when fresh, becoming brown as it matures. The basal leaves are thin with parallel veins running the long, narrow length of the leaf. These plants are rhizomatous and colonial.


For current distribution, please consult the Plant Profile page for this species on the PLANTS Web site, Broad-leaved cattails are common throughout the United States and temperate and tropical places worldwide (Hickman 1993), Typha latifolia occurs in coastal and valley marshes at elevations lower than 2,000 m, Use soil moisture sensors to measure the soil moisture of Broadleaf Cattail.,


Adaptation: Typha latifolia generally occurs in shallower water than Typha angustifolia. Compared to T. angustifolia, T. latifolia is exploitative in its ability to clone rapidly and produce a large leaf surface area, which may contribute to its superior competitive ability (Grace and Wetzel 1982). Typha latifolia has been found to be tolerant of water level fluctuations and moderate soil salinity. Cattail spreads both vegetatively and by seed, particularly under drawdown (Shay et al. 1986). Cattails are always found in or near water, in marshes, ponds, lakes and depressions. They are obligate wetland indicator plant species. Cattails tolerate perennial flooding, reduced soil conditions and moderate salinity. With influxes of nutrient or freshwater, cattails are aggressive invaders in both brackish salt marshes and freshwater wetlands. Cattails, like many emergent wetland species, tolerate flood drawdown cycles that occur to varying degrees in different wetland and riparian systems. Flood and drought are disturbance factors that vary in frequency, magnitude, and predictability. Frequency relates to the number of episodes per unit time while magnitude of flooding can be expressed in terms of water volume, velocity, gradient, depth, duration, and season of inundation. When planting cattails, the flood-draw-down cycles must be taken into consideration for successful revegetation. Planting: Typha species may be planted from bare rootstock or seedlings from container stalk or directly seeded into the soil. Bare rootstock or seedlings are preferred revegetation methods where there is moving water. Typha seeds germinate readily and are a cost-effective means to propagate cattail on moist soils. To ensure a long-term stable ecosystem, it is recommended that Typha be just one of the species in the mix for wetland restoration. Seed Collections: Select seed collection sites where continuous stands with few intermixed species can easily be found. At each collection location, obtain permission for seed collection. • Seed is harvested by either taking hand clippers and cutting the stem off below the seed heads or stripping the seed heads off the stalk. • Collect and store seeds in brown paper bags or burlap bags. Seeds are then dried in these bags. • Seeds can be harvested when they are slightly immature. It is important to harvest the staminate stalks before they dry and blow away. • Seeds and seed heads need to be cleaned in a seed cleaner. Plant cleaned seed in fall. • Plant in clean, weed - free, moist seed bed. Flooded or ponded soils will significantly increase seedling mortality. • Broadcast seed and roll in or rake 1/4" to 1/2" from the soil surface. • Some seed may be lost due to scour or flooding. Recommended seed density is unknown at this time. Seed germination in greenhouse: Clean seed - blow out light seed. • To grow seeds, plant in greenhouse in 1" x 1" x 2" pots, 1/4" under the soil surface. Keep soil surface moist. Greenhouse temperature should be 100 degrees F (plus or minus 5 degrees). Seeds begin to germinate after a couple weeks in warm temperatures. • Plants are ready in 100 - 120 days to come out as plugs. By planting seeds in August, plugs are ready to plant in soil by November. These plants are very small; growing plants to a larger size will result in increased revegetation success. Live Plant Collections: No more than 1/4 of the plants in an area should be collected. If no more than 0.09 m2 (1 ft2) should be removed from a 0.4 m2 (4 ft2) area, the plants will grow back in the hole in one good growing season. A depth of 15 cm (6 in) is sufficiently deep for digging plugs. This will leave enough plants and rhizomes to grow back during the growing season. Donor plants, which are drought-stressed, tend to have higher revegetation success. Live transplants should be planted in moist (not flooded or anoxic) soils as soon as possible. Plants should be transported and stored in a cool location prior to planting. Plugs may be split into smaller units, generally no smaller than 6 x 6 cm (2.4 x 2.4 in), with healthy rhizomes and tops. The important factor in live plant collections is to be sure to include a growing bud in either plugs or rhizomes. Weeds in the plugs should be removed by hand. For ease in transport, soil may be washed gently from roots. The roots should always remain moist or in water until planted. Clip leaves and stems from 15 to 25 cm (6 to 10 in); this allows the plant to allocate more energy into root production. Plant approximately 1 meter apart. Plants should be planted closer together if the site has fine soils such as clay or silt, steep slopes, or prolonged inundation. Ideally, plants should be planted in moist soils in late fall just after the first rains (usually late October to November). This enables plant root systems to become established before heavy flooding and winter dormancy occurs. Survival is highest when plants are dormant and soils are moist. Fertilization is very helpful for plant growth and reproduction. Many more seeds are produced with moderate fertilization.


Heavy grazing will eliminate Typha species as well as other native species from riparian corridors. However, cattails are fairly resistant to moderate grazing, providing wet soils are not compacted. Because cattails have relatively little value for ducks, they are often regarded as undesirable weeds in places intended primarily for ducks. It has been found that mowing cattails after the heads are well formed but not mature and then following up with another mowing about a month later, when new growth is two or three feet high, will kill at least 75% of the plants. This will enable other emergent vegetation with more palatable and nutritious seeds to become established. Ecologically, cattails tend to invade native plant communities when hydrology, salinity, or fertility changes. In this case they out compete native species, often becoming monotypic stands of dense cattails. Maintaining water flows into the wetland, reducing nutrient input and maintaining salinity in tidal marshes will help maintain desirable species composition. If cattails begin to invade, physical removal may be necessary. Cultivars, Improved and Selected Materials (and area of origin) Local sources are recommended. This species should be available from any local nursery specializing in aquatic plants.


Clarke, C.B. 1977. Edible and useful plants of California. University of California Press. 280 pp. Grace, J.B. 1985. Juvenile vs. adult competitive abilities in plants: size-dependence in cattails (Typha). Ecology 66(5); 1630-1638. Grace, J.B. & R.G. Wetzel 1981. Phenotypic and genotypic components of growth and reproduction in Typha latifolia: Experimental studies in marshes of differing successional maturity. Ecology 62 (3): 699-801. Grace, J.B. & R.G. Wetzel 1982. Variations in growth and reproduction within populations of two rhizomatous plant species: Typha latifolia and Typha angustifolia. Oecologia 53:258-263. Harrington, H.D. 1972. Western edible wild plants. The University of New Mexico Press. 156 pp. Hoag, J. C. & M.E. Sellers (April) 1995. Use of greenhouse propagated wetland plants versus live transplants to vegetate constructed or created wetlands. Riparian/Wetland Project Information Series No. 7. USDA, NRCS, Plant Materials Center, Aberdeen, Idaho, 6 pp. Hickman, J.C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson manual. Higher plants of California. University of California Press. 1399 pp. Hotchkiss, N. & H.L. Dozier 19??. Taxonomy and distribution of North American cattails. Am. Midl. Nat. 41: 237-253. Keator, G., L. Yamane, & A. Lewis 1995. In full view. Three ways of seeing California plants. Heyday Books, Berkeley, California. Murphy, E.V.A. 1959. Indian uses of native plants. University of California Press. Roos-Collins, M. 1990. The flavors of home. A guide to wild edible plants of the San Francisco Bay area. Heyday Books, Berkeley, California. 224 pp. Shay, J.M. & C.T. Shay 1986. Prairie marshes in western Canada, with specific reference to the ecology of five emergent macrophytes. Can. J. Bot. 64: 443-454.

Plant Traits

Growth Requirements

Temperature, Minimum (°F)-36
Adapted to Coarse Textured SoilsYes
Adapted to Fine Textured SoilsYes
Adapted to Medium Textured SoilsYes
Anaerobic ToleranceHigh
CaCO3 ToleranceMedium
Cold Stratification RequiredNo
Drought ToleranceNone
Fertility RequirementMedium
Fire ToleranceHigh
Frost Free Days, Minimum100
Hedge ToleranceNone
Moisture UseHigh
pH, Maximum8.7
pH, Minimum5.5
Planting Density per Acre, Maxim10000
Planting Density per Acre, Minim2728
Precipitation, Maximum180
Precipitation, Minimum14
Root Depth, Minimum (inches)14
Salinity ToleranceLow
Shade ToleranceIntermediate


After Harvest Regrowth RateModerate
Resprout AbilityNo
Shape and OrientationErect
Active Growth PeriodSpring and Summer
C:N RatioHigh
Coppice PotentialNo
Fall ConspicuousNo
Fire ResistantNo
Flower ColorBrown
Flower ConspicuousNo
Foliage ColorGreen
Foliage Porosity SummerPorous
Foliage Porosity WinterPorous
Fruit/Seed ColorBrown
Nitrogen FixationNone
Low Growing GrassNo
Leaf RetentionNo
Known AllelopathNo
Height, Mature (feet)5.0
Growth RateRapid
Growth FormRhizomatous
Fruit/Seed ConspicuousYes
Foliage TextureCoarse


Vegetative Spread RateRapid
Small GrainNo
Seedling VigorMedium
Seed Spread RateModerate
Fruit/Seed Period EndFall
Propagated by TubersNo
Propagated by SprigsYes
Propagated by SodNo
Propagated by SeedYes
Propagated by CuttingsNo
Propagated by ContainerNo
Propagated by BulbNo
Propagated by Bare RootYes
Fruit/Seed PersistenceYes
Fruit/Seed Period BeginSummer
Fruit/Seed AbundanceHigh
Commercial AvailabilityRoutinely Available
Bloom PeriodLate Spring
Propagated by CormNo


Veneer ProductNo
Pulpwood ProductNo
Protein PotentialLow
Post ProductNo
Palatable HumanNo
Palatable Graze AnimalLow
Palatable Browse AnimalLow
Nursery Stock ProductNo
Naval Store ProductNo
Lumber ProductNo
Fodder ProductNo
Christmas Tree ProductNo
Berry/Nut/Seed ProductNo

Broadleaf Cattail

Broadleaf Cattail

Broadleaf Cattail

Broadleaf Cattail

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